Five Year Awards: (Left to Right) Katherine Clatterbuck, Lisa Jordan, Denis McCarthy, Jeremy Parenti, Tonya Talbott. Those not pictured are Laroya Eanes-Walton, Shayna Kendall-Maxey, Erica Randolph, Mary Winfield, Scott Edmonds, Jeffrey Vance and Dr. Tara Blackwell.
Ten Year Award: (Left to Right) Tiffany Slagle, Susan Early, Wendy Ezell, Russell Hicks, LeAnn Ferguson, Jennifer Myrick and Jessica Shelton
Fifteen Year Service Award: Tommy Wright and (not pictured) Kathy Whitt and Stephen Walker.
(Left to Right) Eddie Bennett, Joan Tuck, James Wilkerson Twenty Year Awards: (Left to Right) Eddie Bennett, Joan Tuck, James Wilkerson
Twenty Five Year Awards were presented to (Left to Right) Dr Twenty Five Year Awards were presented to (Left to Right) Dr. Dixie Dalton, Martha Reed, Jonette Talbott. Not pictured is Bethany Harris and Katrina Wells.
Thirty Year award: Melissa Back.
Thirty-five year award: Doug Whaley