NEIC Competence Development Project Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard 1/14/2019
Phase 2: Course development & national competence integration Objective The objective of this project is to stimulate the uptake of research within Digital Humanities by ensuring easy access to well planned and well documented course material. Phase 1:Pool Competences & Identification of existing & needed material Phase 2: Course development & national competence integration International availability and access to training courses within Digital Humanities 1/14/2019
Outcome and work of Phase 1 Phase 1 will result in a catalogue of common Nordic course material as well as a plan for the development of missing courses In order to achieve this, we need to: Identify categories of research questions based on digital object types as well as research methodologies Identify relevant competences in relation to these Identify already existing courses to support the competence development Identify gaps and describe the content of required new courses Identify sustainability models for the course material 1/14/2019
Who is/should do what The work includes identifying the different roles and defining the different responsibilities for non-ECTS and ETCS competence development among different actors such as the researchers, library professionals and technical infrastructure providers 1/14/2019
The questionnaire The questionnaire has two parts each focusing on: The strategic initiatives on faculty and department level to encourage and support the digital agenda Specialized activities to stimulate the use of large text based collections 1/14/2019
Questions on the strategic level (faculty/department level) Do you have a strategy to stimulate the up-take of digital research methodologies among the researchers? If yes: Do you work systematically with this digital competence development? Do you have plans, you would like to share? If no: Do you plan to develop strategic plans? 1/14/2019
Questions on the strategic level (faculty/department level) Does your university, faculty or department have a strategy about research data management? If yes: Do you offer technical solutions to the researchers? Do you work systematically with research data management competence development? Do you have plans, you would like to share? If no: Do you plan to support data management? 1/14/2019
Questions on the strategic level (faculty/department level) In the introductory work behind this questionnaire we identified a number of more generic skills such as project management as digital projects call on many different kinds of skills, skills, and to read and interprete graphical representations. Are you offering competence development to build these competences? Project management Graphical representations and interpretations Other: 1/14/2019
Questions on the strategic level (faculty/department level) Would you like to collaborate on identifying and sharing knowledge relevant for this kind of competence development? If yes: Any specific experiences you want to share with other relevant parties (such as Nordic partners, researchers and institutions involved in this NeIC project) Areas in which your department can contribute Please list areas (and levels) which you see as having potential for a broader Nordic collaboration: Common course material, example material, software repository, data repository for, Lectures, Summer schools 1/14/2019
Questions on the strategic level (faculty/department level) Do you offer elementary programming courses such as e.g. R and Python. If yes, who are in charge of developing and running the course: The faculty/department of Humanities The computer department The library Something different, please state: 1/14/2019
Questions on the strategic level (faculty/department level) Does your department in a systematic way use courses or course components from: Software Carpentry Dariah Teach Code refinery Somebody else, please state: ____ 1/14/2019
Questions on the strategic level (faculty/department level) Do you at faculty or department level have a strategy towards general and focused awareness raising and education of students (and staff)? If yes: Is the courses/events part of the curriculum? Are the courses of general or specialized nature? Please list courses offered in 2016-2017. What is the course material, who has developed the example and exercise material? Are you willing to share? Do you have experience in offering competence development for students, which does not result in ECTS; if yes, please share your experience. 1/14/2019
Specialized questions regarding digital activities around large, textual corpora Does research groups within your faculty have activities within the area of textual analysis, big cultural data, etc – all activities related to the quantitative analysis of textual data. If yes, please fill in the remaining part of this questionnaire. Do you offer separate courses or do you have the activities as an integrated part of the existing “normal” lectures? What is the nature of your course material – and how is it developed? Please list the courses and the extend/duration of the courses and/or competence development, which you think might be useful for others 1/14/2019
Status 1. Workshop in August Work on questionaire Meeting on Thursday Finalise the questionaire and mail it to all relevant institutions. 1/14/2019