Major Landforms Of The Earth List of the Lesson GEOGRAPHY Lesson-06 Major Landforms Of The Earth List of the Lesson
1. Major Land Forms Major land forms Mountains, plateaus, plains
2. Difference between a mountain and a plateau It is an highland area. It is at least 600 meters higher than surrounding areas. It has folds and a small summit. It is elevated area. It is at least 300 meters higher than surrounding areas. It is flat topped table land with abroad summit.
3. Different types of mountains Four types Fold Mountains. Block Mountains. Volcanic Mountains. Residual Mountains.
4. Uses of Mountains They are a store house of water. Many rivers have their source in glaciers of mountains. They have rich variety of flora and fauna. Tourists go to mountains for scenic beauty. Many sports like paragliding, hanggliding, river rafting and sketting are popular.
5. Plains They are formed by rivers. They are level lowlands. They are formed by rivers. The rivers deposit their sediments of sands and silt in the plains.