Mrs. Kilgore’s Classroom News Birthdays January Chloe February Brodie March Mackenzie Stella April Thomas Sergio May Aditi Reagan Ava Mrs. Kilgore’s Classroom News March 22, 2017 Literacy Corner Memoir writing Balancing small moments with thoughts on a big idea or theme Using mentor texts for style and structure Graphic novel unit Comparing and contrasting characters Analyzing theme September 18th: Curriculum Night April 10th-14th: Spring Break May 11th-May 19th: SBA Testing & MSP Testing May 5th: PTSA Math Adventure May 111th: 5th Grade Concert 6:30-7:30 pm May 29th: Memorial Day-No School June 20th: Last Day of School June 20th: 5th Grade Promotion Math Multiplying fractions by fractions Relating decimal and fraction multiplication Using tape diagrams as a visual model for equations Solving multi-step word problems Converting between measurements If your student is struggling with their math facts, please encourage them to practice at home with flashcards, timed tests, optional math homework,, etc Science Life science Animal adaptations fossils Social Studies Patriot, Loyalist, and Neutralist perspectives of the Revolutionary War Declaration of Independence The Revolutionary War We’re starting our 3rd and last trimester in 5th grade! Now is the time to start giving your 5th grader more responsibility and independence, especially with tasks school-related. Have your 5th grader pack their own lunch, be responsible for showing you the graded work packet, and more!