Happy New Year from MGS 4th grade and January News Math The best thing you could do for your child in math is to make sure they know their basic multiplication facts. These will help with the division we will be doing. Reading Our theme is still about medicine. Please have your child read some at home every day. The more you read, the smarter you get. Social Studies We are working on South Dakota history, closer to when SD became a state. Soon we will be writing a report about a famous South Dakotan. Science 4th graders are learning about the planets, moons, and other space science topics. Ask them about the planet/sun distance lab! Etc. Please check for hats, coats and gloves on your child when they leave in the morning. Recess is outside unless it is below zero. Please make sure your child has shoes to wear at school, boots will not be worn in school. English Verbs are still our focus in grammar. If you ordered a poem book, it should be here soon.