Pompeii Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD Buried Pompeii and Herculaneum in lava
Boys-3 names Praenomen- 1st name- personal name chosen by child’s parents Nomen- 2nd name- designated a Roman citizen as a member of a particular clan (extended family)- all members shared this name and claimed a common ancestor Cognomen- 3rd name- family name or name of close relatives- like a nickname
Girls were named after their fathers Feminine form of father’s nomen Caecilia Lucia
Roman Women Domestic authority and responsibilities Main job was to have and raise children Ran the household/supervised domestic slaves
Houses in Pompeii Ianua- front door; Ianus- god and guardian of doorways Atrium- main room Compluvium- opening in the roof for air, light, and rain Impluvium- pool for rain water Lararium- shrine of the household gods; Lares- household gods Tablinum- study Peristylum- garden court Hortus- garden Triclinium- dining room
In Rome Insula- apartment building