Life In Ancient Rome Rachel And Alexis
!!!!!!!!!! Toy time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some dolls were made from wax. Kids like to play games like tag, leapfrog, and number games. They liked to play with wooden soldiers.
Do you need a bath? They had public baths. Men and Women did not go at the some time To bathe ,men and women wore clothes similar to bathing suits .
!!!!Eating Time!!!! For the poor bread was their meals For breakfast the wealthy Romans they had bread seasoned or honey dipped in wine(grape juice)For lunch they had bread and fruit. For supper they had vegetables , meat , and exotic meals.
Time to Fight Gladiators use to fight animals and other gladiators Some examples of the animals they used are tigers, lions, and bob cats
?What Do You Live In? The wealthy Romans would have a pray room, bathroom, bedrooms, garden(backyard) a hole in the living room for when it rained and the Romans would get fresh water from it.
Sources of Information If I Were A Kid In Ancient Rome by Lou Waryncia