Strategies for Getting in the Door


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Presentation transcript:

Strategies for Getting in the Door John J. Zabinski Senior Vice President, Rowan University Executive Director, Rowan Foundation October 9, 2018

Impressions of a Fund Raiser What our friends think we do What our bosses think we do What our families think we do What our parents think we do What our donors think we do What we actually do

Learning Objectives Make sure that we are contacting the “right” people First impressions matter…reaching out in ways that will improve getting the appointment Strategic techniques to organize yourself to make the greatest impact and improve your efforts

The Major Foci of Fund Raising Fund raising is a business of RELATIONSHIPS Our goal is to build a relationship between the donor and your organization (not a single individual) based upon TRUST

Learning Objectives Make sure that we are contacting the “right” people First impressions matter…reaching out in ways that will improve getting the appointment Strategic techniques to organize yourself to make the greatest impact and improve your efforts

Who are we contacting? Alumni Trustees Faculty and Professional Staff Friends Patrons Foundations Corporations Current Students and Residents (Medicine) Parents (Current and Former) Medicine Grateful Patients (including family and friends)

Three Primary Objectives Assess Financial Capacity Assess Philanthropic Interest Assess Philanthropic Intent

Why are we requesting a visit? Identification – does the individual(s) have sufficient wealth to give? Qualification – is there inclination to give? Cultivation – developing the willingness to give at a substantial (even sacrificial) level Solicitation – presenting the opportunity to give Stewardship – expressing thanks and demonstrating effective use of support

Things to consider Trust your assignment and research process Avoid data, sorting and research paralysis Focus on gift anniversary dates Make discovery visits a priority Review Daily Gift Reports Effort creates results

Learning Objectives Make sure that we are contacting the “right” people First impressions matter…reaching out in ways that will improve getting the appointment Strategic techniques to organize yourself to make the greatest impact and improve your efforts

Positive Vibes Organize yourself in a way that will help you succeed. When you succeed, the team succeeds. When the team succeeds, your organization is a better place!

What's old is new! First time contact - send introduction letter On your official letterhead Use a stamp Hand write address on envelope Confirm contact information Enclose business card State when you will make contact

Get Organized Before You Call Where are you going? When are you going? Prioritize who you need to see (anchor visits) Clearance to visit Sent an introduction letter or e-mail What are you going to say when you call?

Why am I calling? The purpose of this visit is… Learn about your experiences at Insert your Name Learn about your life after Insert your Name Understand what Insert your Name means to you… Receive your impressions of Insert your Name today… Better appreciation of your philanthropic interests… Where does Insert your Name stand in relation to your interests… Understand what would you like to accomplish with your money that is meaningful to you… Ask for your support – it is okay to make a request for an annual gift on the first visit, and, it is okay to ask, have you considered making a gift in your estate

The Biggest Challenge Scheduling the Appointment Pick-up the phone! Send an email! Persistence REWARDS! 25-4-1 Ratio Be ready to negotiate for the appointment Confirm/ask for directions Confirm full name and e-mail of the “gate keeper” Confirm your name and phone numbers

Persistence Rewards

After the Call Send email or note to confirm your meeting Follow through with questions that need answers Keep making contacts and fill-out the schedule

Learning Objectives Make sure that we are contacting the “right” people First impressions matter…reaching out in ways that will improve getting the appointment Strategic techniques to organize yourself to make the greatest impact and improve your efforts

Strategic Techniques to Consider Block time on your calendar Systematic Approach Utilize Reports of Contact Utilize Outlook Utilize Filing

Strategic Techniques to Consider High performers suggest: Figure out the email address Capitalize on referrals Utilize LinkedIn Who is having success If your stuck, try something new, be creative Take advantage of your events Watch for clues…note on BRE Eliminate hurdles Practice Effort matters

Contact Information John J. Zabinski Phone: 856.256.4148 Email: