Relevance and Synergies of CMOP to Fisheries Management Ed Casillas, PhD. NWFSC, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA
Critical Management Issue 14 salmon ESUs listed as threatened or endangered in the Columbia River basin Recovery plans mandate habitat restoration Columbia River hydrologic model (lower river, estuary, and plume) provided insight in how river, estuary, and plume functioned to support salmon
Salmon Landscape of Columbia River Fall Chinook Upriver Brights CR stocks with different life histories and ocean distributions showed differential survival during the stron 1982-83 El Nino (Upriver brights survived much better than tule fall chinook) Tules
Benefits to Management Provided insight into the past – how the lower river functioned to sustain salmon habitat 130 years ago Critical to development of 2 Biological Opinions (Channel Deepening and Federal Hydropower operations) – the present Can be used to forecast salmon returns – the future Climate Change – next application Add slide about sampling to look at wetland habitat use in salmon river and/or Columbia river