How is 0.41 10 related to 0.41 100?
Decimal shift one place to the left Decimal shift two places to the left
Decimal shift one place to the left Decimal shift two places to the left
How is 0.39 10 related to 0.39 100?
Decimal shift one place to the left Decimal shift two places to the left
Divide the following decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000. 54.2 97.3 .95 .64 87.1 99.6 Explain the pattern you can use when dividing a decimal by a power of 10.
Explain the pattern you can use to find the .34 10 .34 100 .25 10 .25 100 .59 10 .59 100 .63 10 .63 100 .16 10 .16 100 .92 10 .92 100 Choose three other two-digit numbers between 10 and 100 and divide each of them by 10, 100, and 1,000. Explain the pattern you can use to find the quotient when dividing a whole number by a power of 10.