They wanted to bring the book to life using animation. HOW IT ALL BEGAN? They had inspiration from a book called 'The Pirates! In an adventure with Scientists' by Gideon Defoe. They wanted to bring the book to life using animation. The hardest thing is trying to represent the book without changing it too much or take away the excitement.
Designing the pirates world! JONNY DUDDLE-Character designer. NORMAN GARWOOD-Production designer. They had a plan on paper on what they wanted to do and they designed the characters carefully before making them. They had lots of different ideas, they kept designing until it was perfect .
The story They used a storyboard to help them make the film. They only kept the parts of the story that they really wanted. They had a department especially for the storyboard to make sure it was perfect. Jeff Newitt-Co director Rejeary Bourdage-Head of story
Puppet making They have lots of copies of one character so they can film more scenes at once. They have graphic pictures that they base the puppets on. They used the design to make the puppet and then they check with the designers if its ok. Materials Silicone was good for making their flesh and foam was good for making their clothes.
Matt Perry- Supervisor art director Jane Kite-Head of Props Sets First they used a cardboard model and they imagine being in the films world not a smaller version of our world. The graphic scenes are an opportunity to add some comedy. Mike Applebeak -Construction manager Phil Lewis- Art director
MOUTHS They used hundreds of mouths. The Captain had 250 differ ent mouths. Each set of mouths for one of a character for one scene were packed into separate boxes. The mouths are in different positions so you can see how the characters feel.
Voice Recording They have a session with actors and the actors do the speaking.The actors have to speak like the characters.[Hugh Grant - pirate captain]The actors only have to speak from the paper and then just bring it to life by just speaking.[Nardin freeman - Pirate with a scarf][David Tennant - Charles Darwin.
Live Action video rehearsal Lloyd Price - animation Super Visor Jay Grace - animation director In the studio were all the magic happens they act it out in real life so the animations know what to do. The animator has to pick ideas from the directors and turn them into animation. They try to do all of the hands, actions, head, turns and movement.
Animation They have to put a lot of their own energy and enthusiasm into the animation. Jvlia Peguet-animator Will Beher-character lead animator They spend a day making one face and then you change the face expression and they realise they're alive. When the animators are acting they need to make it look good because that's how it will look in the film.
SHIPS IN WATER They always knew from day one that they needed a ship on water . When the ship turned into the island it didn’t actually turn they used cameras To begin with they just research on stuff like how water moves. Benjamin Toywood-CJ super visor Chris king- CJ super visor Red mc fall-FX super visor
Sound To make the sounds they use things like their own body to make the sounds. They have to wear different shoes to do the foot steps. People get paid just to do the shouting for the background sounds in the bar. Tim Hands – Dialog editor Adrian Rhodes- Supervising sound editor
Music 🎧 The power of music that effects how you feel is jaw dropping. A full orchestra makes the music of the Pirates film. The music is very playful in some places but can get very dramatic in other parts .