DIOCESE OF WELLINGTON – SYNOD Sunday 23 September 2018
OUR MISSION Anglican Missions enables the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, in a spirit of partnership, to share in the global dimension of Christ’s mission.
We work toward these 5 Marks of Mission by: Mobilising the Church to pray, give, go and tell mission stories Partnering with churches and associated Anglican and other mission agencies Resourcing development projects and emergency response (especially in our region) and mission partnerships
2017: Global Snapshot 1.3 billion live on less than US$1.25 a day (extreme poverty). 805 million people do not have enough to eat 22,000 children die each day due to poverty and preventable diseases 121 million children worldwide are not in education 750 million people lack access to clean water 68 million refugees or internally displaced people 346 natural disasters (> 2/3 climate/weather related) affected 89 million Approximately 215 million Christians experienced ‘high, very high, or extreme’ persecution in 2017
Container Contents Collapsible water containers (100) Tarps (110) Family hygiene kits (40) Solar lanterns (30) Batteries Aquatabs (50 packs) Donated items Tear Fund items 3 x 10,000 litre water tanks and install DRR training for church leaders (Sept). Chainsaw sets (6) Chipper (1) Back-up generators (4) Water pump (1) Builders kits (8) Hand tools (new and second hand) Building materials including nails Roofing iron (60) Gutters and downpipes Cement (80)
Our vision is to draw on God’s love to enhance resilience to climate change and natural disasters. The Strategy will help guide the Anglican Church in strengthening resilience and builds on the many good initiatives already taking place. It acknowledges that we are called to be responsible stewards in caring for God’s creation and that we hold the wellbeing of the planet in our hands.
GOAL To ensure all parishes are, in some way, engaged in overseas mission
AIM OF DEPUTATIONS GUIDELINE To provide a ‘one-stop-shop’ for all information relating to deputations coordinated or supported by Anglican Missions and NZCMS
Available on the website Schedule of available speakers. Interactive calendar. Resources including tips on preparing presentations, becoming a stronger speaker, PowerPoint slides, graphics and audio-visual material. Ideas on how to coordinate and manage logistics when planning and managing a visit. Ideas on how to build the profile of overseas mission in your church. Schedule of useful links.
El Rancho Waikanae 9-12 October 2019 OVERSEAS MISSIONS CONFERENCE 2019
WHY SUPPORT US? Committed to the 5 Marks of Mission - including evangelism and nurturing believers Strong on the ground partners Demonstrates effectiveness and relevance Gives a glimpse of how the Church can make a difference Represents the three-Tikanga It’s ours
PO Box 12 012 Thorndon Wellington 6144 New Zealand T: +64 4 473-5172 F: +64 4 499-5553 www.angmissions.org.nz and www.facebook.com/AnglicanMissions