TE RIPONGA TOKA Te Whakatōpūtanga
Weathering - te ngau huarere Transportation - te kawenga Deposition - te whakaputunga Lithification - te whakapōhatutanga Sedimentary Rocks - Ngā toka parataiao Metamorphism - te kāhuarautanga Metamorphic Rocks - Ngā toka kāhuarau Melting - te rewanga Magma - te tokarewa Crystallization - te whātioatanga Igneous rocks (Intrusive) - Ngā toka ngiha (urutomo) Consolidation - Te whakawhāititanga Igneous Rocks(Extrusive) - Ngā toka ngiha whakaputa Uplift and exposure - te hikitanga, te takoto mārakerake
Continental Plate - te papa nekeneke Oceanic Plate - te papamoana nekeneke Volcanic - ōpuia Weathering and Erosion - te ngau huarere, te horonga Transportation - te kawenga Deposition - te whakaputunga Igneous Rocks - ngā toka ngiha Sedimentary rocks - ngā toka parataiao Metamorphic Rocks - ngā toka kāhuarau Partial Melting - te āhua rewanga Uplift - te hikitanga
Erosion - te horonga Transportation - te kawenga Deposition - te whakaputunga Sediments - ngā para Weathering - te ngau huarere Uplift - te hikitanga Eruption - te hūnga Heat - te wera Pressure - te pēhanga Sedimentary rocks - ngā toka parataiao Metamorphic rocks - ngā toka kāhuarau Magma - te tokarewa Cooling and crystallization - te mātaohaeretanga me te whātioatanga Metamorphism - te kāhuarautanga Lithification - te whakapōhatutanga
Sediment - te para/te waipara rānei Cementation and compaction(lithification) - te whakapiripiringa me te raungaitinga (te whakapōhatutanga) Sedimentary rock - te toka parataiao Heat and pressure(metamorphism) - Te wera me te pēhanga(te kāhuarautanga) Metamorphic rock - te toka kāhuarau Melting - te rewanga Magma, lava - te toka rewa, te rangitoto Cooling and solidification(crystallization) - te mātaohaeretanga me te whakatokanga(te whātioatanga) Igneous rock - te toka ngiha Weathering, transportation and deposition - te ngau huarere, te kawenga, te whakaputunga hoki
Igneous(Basalt) - Ngiha (te karā) An igneous rock is buried deep underground - Ka noho te toka ngiha ki te kōpū tonu o Papa Over time Heat and Pressure build up around the rock - Ka haere nā te wā ka pākahatia te toka e te wera me te pēhanga. Continued heat and pressure causes the rock to change into a metamorphic rock - Ka roa e pāngia ana e te wera me te pēhanga ka hurihia hei toka kāhuarau. Metamorphic(Marble) - Kāhuarau (māpara) A metamorphic rock lays deep underground - kei te kōpū tonu o Papa te toka kāhuarau e noho ana. Over time heat and pressure build up around the rock and cause it to melt into magma - Ka haere nā te wā ka kaha haere te pānga atu o te wera me te pēhanga, ā, ka rewa te toka hei toka rewa. The magma cools and hardens into an igneous rock - Ka mātao haere, ka mārō haere te toka hei toka ngiha. Exposed metamorphic rock erodes and washes away - Ka ngaua ngā toka kāhuarau e takoto mārakerake ana, e te huarere, ka rere hoki i te wai. The sediments of stone lay at the bottom of an ocean - ka takoto noa ngā waipara toka i te takere moana. Over time the pressure causes the sediments to fuse together into a sedimentary rock - Ka haere te wā,ā, nā te pēhanga ka piripiri ngā waipara hei toka parataiao. A sedimentary rock sits deep in the earth - kei te kōpū o Papa te toka parataiao e noho ana. Over time heat and pressure build up around the rock - Ka haere nā te wā ka kaha haere te pānga mai o te wera me te pēhanga. The continued heat and pressure cause the rock to change into a metamorphic rock - Nā te pānga tonutanga o te wera me te pēhanga ka hurihia te toka hei toka kāhuarau. Sedimentary(sandstone) - Parataiao(hōanga) Sedimentary rock buried deep underground - kei te kōpū o Papa te toka parataiao e noho ana. Heat and pressure cause the rock to melt into magma - Nā te kaha o te pānga mai o te wera me te pēhanga ka hurihia hei tokarewa. The magma cools and becomes an igneous rock - ka mātao haere te tokarewa, ka hurihia hei toka ngiha. Exposed igneous stone erodes away - ka riro te toka ngiha e takoto mārakerake ana i te kainga mai a te huarere. Sediments of stone collect at the bottom of a lake - ka huihui ngā maramara toka waipara i te takere roto. Over time pressure fuses the sediments together to form sedimentary rock - Ka haere nā te wā ka pēpēhia ngā waipara kia piripiri hei toka parataiao.