Contemplation Questions Twelfth Night Contemplation Questions
CQ 1 Are there any holidays that, in your experience, are connected with carefree fun and merry-making? Tell about a holiday – or a time, event, or experience – when you were inordinately silly.
CQ 2 Describe in words your first impressions of Orsino, Olivia, and Viola.
CQ 3 Find and comment on FOUR (4) lines from the scenes you’ve read so far (Act 1, Scenes 1-3): a line that has beauty in it a line with a good joke a line that sounds modern a line that appeals to you for any reason
CQ 4 How long do you think he has been in Olivia’s household? Why do you think this? Is Feste a carefree fool with no troubles? Why or why not? Does he have a brain? How do you know? If you were a Hollywood director, who would you cast for Feste? How would you costume him or her? Can you find some cues in the script that suggest action for Feste? If you were director, what would you have the Fool doing physically in this scene?
CQ 5 Answer the following questions in complete sentences: Are you more of a Toby or more of a Malvolio when it comes to getting rowdy? Look again at Feste’s song in this scene. Does it seem in keeping with the mood of the scene? Do the words reflect what is going on? How? Find what you consider to be a pretty good joke in this scene. What’s funny about it to you?