--Warren G. Harding became President and promoted Normalcy Lower taxes. --Hardings Cabinet turned out to be very corrupt. --He died suddenly while still in office.
--The President as well as most Americans believed that the U.S. should stay out of other nations affairs, except in matters of self-defense. --This helps lead to WWII.
--Economy was booming in the 1920s. --Automobiles had the greatest impact on human life. Assembly Line: Invented by Henry Ford to speed up production and lower costs, everyone could afford a car.
--After WWI former military pilots bought old war planes and used them as crop dusters, stunt fliers, and flight instructors. --Transcontinental flights by Lindberg and Earhart helped to promote the idea of commercial air transportation. --1 st passenger airline was Pan-America in 1927.
--For the 1 st time, young people rebelled against the values of the past and the authority of their elders. --New fashions, attitudes, and behavior Movies and T.V. --More people went to college. --Women had shorter hair and dresses.
Flapper- New style for women (short hair, Dresses, ect.) --Women had more freedom They drove cars, played sports, went to college, got jobs. --Marriage was seen as more equal. --The Right to Vote (19 th Amendment).
--Supporters of Prohibition felt it would promote good health and morality. --Saloons closed doors, people found ways to get liquor illegally. Speakeasys and night clubs. --Bootleggers made their living by transporting and selling liquor illegally. --Growth of organized crime (Criminal Gangs). --Al Capone 700 Criminal Army in Chicago Took over all speakeasys. 21 st Amendment put an end to Prohibition.
--National Association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP) tried to protect African Americans Rights. --Marcus Garvey Back to Africa Movement.
--With better appliances and lower working hours Americans had more leisure time. --Higher wages=more money to spend on this leisure time (have fun) cent movie Museums, libraries, books and magazines. --Talk on phone, listen to radio, drive cars. --Ethnic groups excluded.
--Mass Media is communication that reaches a large audience. --Americans were better informed.
--Another leisure activity was watching, playing, and listening to sports (on the radio). --Boxing became very popular. --Baseball Bronx BombersBabe Ruth.
--African Americans had a new sense of freedom after WWI. --Harlem unofficial capital of African Americans. --Jazz --Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington.