WHAT IS IPID? Creature of State Came into existence on 1 April 2012 Created in terms of IPID Act Legislative mandate in S28 of the IPID Act Must investigate all matters listed in S28(1) Deaths in police custody Deaths as a result of police action Complaints relating to discharge of official firearm Rape by police officer Rape of person in police custody Complaints of torture / assault Corruption within the police Any matter referred by Min, MEC, Secretary or ED May investigate matters provided for in S28 (2) Systemic corruption
WHAT IS IPID? Falls within the Ministry of Police Compliments the work of SAPS Not opposed to what SAPS does or stand for Compliments the work of Civilian Secretariat Complements the oversight role of Parliament with regard to the conduct of SAPS members Role player within the Security Cluster Play an important role within the Criminal Justice Cluster
WHAT IS IPID? Core business of IPID is investigation Make recommendations to SAPS for Disciplinary steps of its members Make recommendations to NPA for criminal prosecution Have no control over what happens after recommendations Decision to prosecute lies with NPA Decision to discipline lies with SAPS Have no control / influence over what happens in court
IPID’s FIT IN GOVERNMENT The strategic outcome oriented goals of IPID are linked to the achievement of outcomes 3 and 12 as adopted by Cabinet in January 2010 Outcome 3: All people in South Africa are and feel safe and secure (relates to our core function) Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship (relates to our ability to deliver in terms of our mandate)
WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO DATE The IPID Act (Act 1 of 2011) is a blue print for the transformation of the of ICD into IPID This transformation has ushered a new era of civilian oversight on the SAPS and MPS The organization has therefore evolved from a complaints-driven to an investigation-driven body The renaming of ICD to IPID also meant extending the mandate not only to investigate but also to ensure that the recommendations by the directorate are implemented by SAPS To this end, the organization has achieved great strides in transforming ICD into IPID. This process included: Aligning its priorities in line with the spirit of the Constitution & the IPID Act; Engaging in a process of organizational renewal
WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO DATE Promulgation of Regulations Development of SOPs Development of training manual for investigators Development of guidelines for investigations Organizational Restructuring New units established Upgrading of case monitors to investigators Establishment of investigation teams for special projects (Cato Manor; Marikana; WC Farms) Model for Africa (marketed through APCOF)
CHALLENGES & RISKS Non reporting by SAPS ito S29 No feedback from SAPS on recommendations for DH IPID Act not fully costed & therefore not fully funded NO full alignment of: SP; APP & ENE with IPID Act Organizational structure & IPID Act (e.g. no integrity unit for integrity testing & security screening)
STRATEGIC FOCUS Priority is placed on: Strategic alignment of planning; budgeting & reporting frameworks Re- engineering & reorganization of the directorate Strengthening of the directorate’s management & leadership capacity Increasing investigative capacity Refocusing the directorate from complaints driven to investigation driven institution (reactionary to proactive) Training & Capacity building (esp. investigators / former monitors & case analysts) Development of guidelines, systems & procedures for investigation and reporting
CURRENT PROGRAMME STRUCTURE The activities of IPID were organized into three programmes which are: Programme 1: Administration Executive support Corporate governance Internal audit Finance Corporate management services (Corporate Services) Programme 2: Investigations and Information Management Investigations Information management Policy development & provincial coordination Programme 3: Legal Services Litigation & legal support Investigation advisory services
FUTURE PROGRAMME STRUCTURE The activities of IPID are now organized into four programmes which are: Programme 1: Administration Departmental management Corporate services Internal audit Financial management services Office accommodation Programme 2: Investigations and Information Management Investigation management Investigation services Information management Programme 3: Legal Services Legal support and Administration Legal advisory services Investigation advisory services Programme 2: Compliance monitoring and stakeholder management Compliance monitoring Stakeholder management
Proposed legislative changes Independent entity Separate vote Oversight role Investigative powers Quasi judicial function Executive Authority as appeals authority on quasi judicial decisions