Senior Research Fellow, UCL Centre for Inclusive Education


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Presentation transcript:

Senior Research Fellow, UCL Centre for Inclusive Education Session 4: UCL CIE SEND Research for DfE—Sensory Impairment and the gap analysis project Dr Karl Wall Senior Research Fellow, UCL Centre for Inclusive Education

Strand 1.a.3: SEND Index Reports 1 Task: Produce two SEND index reports per year: to provide a national / regional overview: How SEND is prioritised, The local networks that support SEN school improvement Localise this data in wider data on needs prevalence and attainment (includes findings from Ofsted Area Inspection Reports).

Strand 1.a.3: SEND Index Reports 2 SEND Index Reports will be informed by: Findings from SEND gap analysis The Regional SEND leads and networks Focus on highlighting regional SEND priorities. Sensory service /support specific survey Each report will be followed by a roundtable discussion with: Policy makers Key stakeholders to inform WSS, DfE and regional activity.

Strand 1.a.4: Baseline Audit of ITE SEND provision Task: Conduct a baseline audit of ITE SEND provision; Across university-based and school-based providers. Produce a booklet of 20 case-studies: Effective practice for ITE SEND. Disseminate the booklet and any relevant resources for ITE SEND through the ITE providers. Make recommendations to DfE, Ofsted, UCAS, etc.

This strand will inform the two SEND Index Reports and the Evaluation Strand 1.a.5: Study to understand the supply /demand /drivers for SEND CPD Task: To undertake an engagement study to: identify / understand supply, demand and drivers for SEND CPD. a gap analysis of key resources: specific generic SEND needs /challenges a report on demand / drivers for SEND CPD / training a report with recommendations covering findings from surveys and engagement activity focused on the specialist workforce This strand will inform the two SEND Index Reports and the Evaluation

Strand 1.a.6: Evaluation of Contract Task: Identify and put in place effective evaluation measures to assess the: Impact of the Community of Practice and Whole School Send approach to Knowledge Exchange; Success of each activity strand; Impact of school-to-school led reviews of SEND practice; Share best practice of impact assessment measures (which schools and regions can use to assess the impact of a schools own SEND-related: SEND-related school improvement activity; SEND-related CPD / training.

NATSIP Focus Strand 3.a.2 Review Mandatory Qualifications in Sensory Impairment (MQSI) Task: Review MQSI in consultation with the Community of Practice (NATSIP): Produce a scoping / First stage review; Produce a final report: Review the impact of mandatory qualifications (e.g. MQSI and NASENCO); Review whether and how, learning outcomes need updating; Review how mandatory qualifications fit with wider training / qualification pathways

Karl Wall: contact information Research Lead: Dr Karl Wall Senior Research Fellow UCL Centre For Inclusive Education UCL Institute of Education Department of Psychology and Human Development 25 Woburn Square London WC1H 0AA UK Telephone: 020 7612 6282 Email: Research Programme Manager Ms Aimee Shaw UCL Centre For Inclusive Education UCL Institute of Education WSS Research email: