"Introduction To Japanese A-ONE TECHNIQUES In-House Training on "Introduction To Japanese Manufacturing Tools". Prepared by: Obaid Bilgarami Manager Coordination Prepared by: Obaid Bilgarami
Why Japenese Management ? The most Pragmatic, Down-To-Earth and Process Oriented Manufacturing Approaches. More focused on Process Improvement (New Manufacturing Vision). Effective Efficiency Optimizing Approach (Not Efficiency Maximizing Approach). Stepping stone top other manufacturing standards, i-e; Lean, ISO 9000, TS 16949, etc.
Japenese Manufacturing Tools: Kaizen 5S. Gemba Genchi Genbutsu Obeya Poka Yoke Jidoka Andon Kanban/Pull System Muda, Mura, Muri Heijunka FIFO Takt Time
Kai = Change & Zen = Better Kaizen A combination of two Japanese words: Kai = Change & Zen = Better i-e; Change for Better Kaizen Cycle (Good Better Best) Kaizen Mind Kaizen Procedure Before/ After Approach
5S Seiri (Sorting) Seiton (Setting) Seiso (Sweeping) Seiketsu (Standardizing) Shitsuke (Sustaining)
Gemba The word literally means ‘The Place where truth can be found’ and refers to ‘The Place Where the Activity is happening like Crime Scene, Play Ground, Production Floor, etc.’. The availability of Incharges, i-e; Production, QC, Maintenance at floor to ensure system effectiveness and Factual Analysis of Problem if occurs.
Genchi Genbutsu The word literally means ‘Go See for yourself’ referring to the Gemba Attitude, i-e; instead of depending on hearsay, reports, summary charts, or any docs, get out and visit the place where actually the problem occurs. This attitude enables an effective and most appropriate decisions based on ‘On the Spot Analysis’.
Obeya The word literally means ‘Big Room’ and refers to ‘The room where reports/ results/ Summaries & Performances are displayed for Management Perusal. The Management holds meeting to evaluate the Deptt. Performance/Issues, Activities Status and propose rational decisions.
Poka Yoke The word literally means ‘Mistake Proof’ and refers to ‘Any device, limits or system installed at operations to ensure zero defect/ error/ mistake’. The Zero Defect Target can only be achieved if the abnormality is stopped at its place of origin, this is what poka yoke for.
Jidoka The word literally means ‘Automation or Intelligent System’ and refers to ‘Machine to be built/added with devices or limit sensors to stop in case of an abnormality ’. This system is to ensure fast, effective and reliable means of production to eliminate inadvertent errors, negligence, maintenance failure like Poka Yoke.
Andon The word literally means ‘Paper Lantern’ and refers to ‘status-display station or a system to notify management, maintenance, and other workers of a quality or process problem’. This is another example of Jidoka to eliminate the error/ defect at it’s place of origin with Problem Identification at machines
Kanban The word literally means ‘Visual Card’ and refers to ‘Kanban is a signaling system to trigger action. In kanban, cards are used to signal the need for an item from Inventory Stock or suppliers ’. It is based on ‘Pull System’ and also refers to JIT System which is another hallmark of Japanese Manufacturing System.
Heijunka The word literally means ‘Level’ and refers to a system of production smoothing/ leveling designed to achieve a more even and consistent flow of work ’. It is based on study of processes sequence and their flow on machines to implement best possible line balancing, i-e; also called Chain Production.
3 M (Mudi, Muri, Mura) Muda (Waste) Muri (Overburden) Over-production Motion (of operator or machine) Waiting (of operator or machine) Conveyance Processing itself Inventory Correction (rework) Muri (Overburden) Mura (Inconsistency)
Takt Time The German word literally means ‘Clock’ and refers maximum time allowed to produce a product ’. Takt Time is defined as: T= Ta/Td Where: Ta = Net Available Time to Work eg. [minutes of work / day] Td = Total demand (Customer Demand) eg. [units produced / day] T = TAKT Time eg. [minutes of work / unit produced]
FIFO It stands for ‘First In First Out’ and refers to the inventory system where what comes in first is handled first, what comes in next waits until the first is finished ’. An effective way of Inventory Management to ensure smooth flow of inventory with date wise traceability to avoid stock from deterioration and going abnormally excess and also en effective tool of JIT/Pull System.
Synopsis Kaizen = Change for Better 5S. = Work Discipline Gemba = Activity Place Genchi Genbutsu = Go & See The Problem Obeya = Monitoring Room Poka Yoke = Mistake Proofing Jidoka = Automization Andon = Visual Control Kanban/Pull System = Signal for Production Muda, Mura, Muri = Waste/Unevenness/Overburden Heijunka = Line Balancing FIFO = First In First Out Takt Time = Production Time
Ultimate Benefits Japanese Management Tools begins with simple Kaizens and results into an Industry with Work Inducing Environment, Optimally Effective Production with Zero Defect Ratio and Efficient Utilization of Machines & Manpower and ultimately with continual upward trend of profitability and downward trend of losses.
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