How I could present my work? Caitlin
Present 1 - YouTube A way I could present my work is by uploading it on YouTube. I feel like by uploading it on YouTube more people would see it. Millions of people go on YouTube a day and there is a possibility that someone could stumble upon my video. This is an effective way to get your work out there. To get it recognized I would have to have a good thumbnail, catchy title and a lot of tags so there is more of a chance of it getting noticed. I feel like by uploading it on YouTube, more people would see it, even if they accidently stumble upon it.
Present 2 - Facebook Facebook would bean efficient way to get your work out there. Millions upon Millions of people have Facebook and each day thousands, even millions of pictures and videos get shared everyday, some are funny and some are educational, they can be anything. As well as that, there are also a lot of groups on Facebook, they can be about anything and everything. I think by putting it on Facebook and in a group bases on Manchester or travel, I could get it out to a larger audience who might share it and tell their friends about it.
Present 3 – LinkedIn Using LinkedIn would be a great place to share my video. Thousands of people have an account, but its mostly business people. I still feel like this would be effective because they might need a break for work and by having my video thee, it might persuade them to visit possibly. To get the video more noticed I would have to write a bit of information about it because people may not know what it is, I would also have to try and get myself noticed on it, and then upload the video.
Present 4 - Vine Even thought Vine will allow you to only upload a 6 minute video I still feel like it’s a good way to get noticed. I would upload the best part of the 15 minute video and then add tags so it gets recognized. I would edit that 6 second video to make it more bold and stand out. I could also ask people for help by asking them to like it and share it.
Present 5 – Instagram Millions of people have Instagram and millions of people go on it daily, there are always pictures and videos being posted and shared over Direct message. Instagram would be an efficient way to get out there. It tells you how many people have seen your video as well as liked it so you can see how people are reacting to it, it will also allow you to see peoples comments if you have them turned on. I would upload the best few minutes of the video and always edit it to make it stand out on peoples feeds. I would also add hashtags because thousands of people use them and search them.
Which Way Will I Use? I would use YouTube because I feel like that is an easier place to stumble upon my video. Not only does it give suggestions for videos, it is also easy to go off track on the videos you was originally watching, so it is easy to stumble upon videos which they may not type in themselves. I also prefer using YouTube because I feel like people would have more access to YouTube rather than social media