Seasonal Changes Created by Denna Vance
Earth Rotates (Spins) on an Axis (Pole). Lesson 1 Earth Rotates (Spins) on an Axis (Pole). Pretend you are the Earth. Stand up and spin in place. One full rotation (spin) of Earth, equals one day and night (24 hours). Now stand up again and spin one time. If you were the Earth, you would have just experienced one rotation (day and night).
Rotation Experiment Roll your play dough into a ball. This represents Earth. Push your pencil directly through the middle on your ball. This represents the Earth’s axis (pole). Slightly tilt the pencil (axis). Twist the pencil to spin the ball (Earth). This is how Earth rotates on its axis.
What does rotate mean? to spin
Earth Rotates Science Notebook Write: Earth rotates (spins) on a tilted axis (pole). One rotation equals one day and night (24 hours). Draw: Challenge: List things that rotate or spin.
Lesson 2 Day and Night When the Earth rotates, the sun’s light only reaches one side of the Earth. The side of the Earth without sun light is called night. The side of the Earth with sunlight is called day.
Sun (Flashlight) Experiment Use a flashlight to represent the sun. Shine the flashlight on a globe. Rotate the globe. What did you discover?
How long does it take for Earth to make one rotation? Lesson 2 How long does it take for Earth to make one rotation? One day and night = 24 hours
Day and Night Science Notebook Write: The sun’s light and the rotation of the Earth causes day and night. Draw: Challenge: List activities that you can do during the day and night. Label each event with am (before lunch) and pm (after lunch).
Lesson 3 The Moon The moon orbits (goes around) the Earth.
Moon (Wiffle Ball) Experiment Lesson 3 Moon (Wiffle Ball) Experiment Tie a piece of yarn (about three feet) to a wiffle ball. Hold the end of the string that is not connected to the wiffle ball. Make sure you have room, hold tightly to the string and swing the ball above your head in a circular motion. You are the Earth and the ball is the _________? The ball (moon) is orbiting (going around) you (Earth).
Lesson 3 What orbits the Earth? the moon
The Moon Science Notebook Lesson 3 Science Notebook The Moon Write: The moon orbits (goes around) the Earth. Draw: Challenge: Describe a trip to the moon.
Lesson 4 The Moon Phases As the moon orbits around Earth, the amount of sunlight that hits the moon changes.
Moon Phases Flip Book Cut on the dotted lines. Lesson 4 Moon Phases Flip Book Cut on the dotted lines. Fold on the double line. Glue finished flip book in journal. Write a definition or description of each phase of the moon. Color the moon to match the phase.
What are the different phases of the moon? Lesson 4 What are the different phases of the moon? New moon, waxing cresent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, full moon
Science Notebook The Phases of the Moon Lesson 4 Science Notebook The Phases of the Moon Glue: Phases of the Moon Flip Book Cut on the dotted lines. Fold on the double line. Glue finished flip book in journal. Write a definition or description of each phase of the moon. Color the moon to match the phase. Challenge: Write/draw the different phases of the moon on index card. Invite a friend to mix the cards up and put the cards in correct order.
Earth Orbits Around the Sun Lesson 5 Earth Orbits Around the Sun Earth orbits (goes around) the sun. One orbit, trip around the sun equals one year.
How long does it take for the Earth to revolve around the sun? Lesson 5 How long does it take for the Earth to revolve around the sun? 1 year = 12 months = 365 1/4 days
Earth Orbits the Sun Science Notebook Lesson 5 Science Notebook Earth Orbits the Sun Write: The Earth orbits (goes around) the sun. It takes one year for the Earth to make one complete orbit around the sun. Draw: Challenge: How have you changed in one year (1st grade to 2nd grade)?
What are Seasons? There are four seasons. Spring Summer Winter Fall Lesson 6 What are Seasons? There are four seasons. Spring Summer Winter Fall
What Causes Earth’s Seasons? Lesson 6 What Causes Earth’s Seasons? The tilt of the Earth on its axis and the Earth's orbit around the sun causes the four seasons.
What does the tilt of the earth on its axis cause? Lesson 6 What does the tilt of the earth on its axis cause? the seasons
Seasons Science Notebook Lesson 6 Science Notebook Seasons Write: The tilt of the Earth on its axis and the Earth's orbit around the sun causes the four seasons. Draw: Challenge: List the 4 seasons and name 1 activity you can do during each season.
Seasons Bring Changes The weather changes during each season. Lesson 7 Seasons Bring Changes The weather changes during each season. Tree change throughout each season. Spring Summer Fall Winter
Adopt a Tree Students will adopt a tree found on the school grounds. Lesson 7 Adopt a Tree Students will adopt a tree found on the school grounds. Students will visit the tree every month and complete a drawing of the tree on the Adopt a Tree paper.
What is one example of a seasonal change? Lesson 7 What is one example of a seasonal change? trees budding
Seasons Change Science Notebook Lesson 7 Science Notebook Seasons Change Write: Weather and plants change throughout the four seasons. Draw: Challenge: Use a Venn Diagram to compare 2 different seasons of their choice.
The Length of Days and Nights Lesson 8 The Length of Days and Nights Another change produced by seasons is the length of day light and nighttime. In the summer, the days are longer and the nights are shorter. In the winter, the days are short and the nights are longer.
Days are longer in the which season? Lesson 8 Days are longer in the which season? summer
Length of Days and Nights Lesson 8 Science Notebook Length of Days and Nights Write: Days are longer in the summer than in the winter. Draw: Challenge: Write about an activity that you do on a long summer day and a short winter day. Summer = longer days Winter = shorter days
Shadows Shadows are formed when light is blocked by an object. Lesson 9 Shadows Shadows are formed when light is blocked by an object.
Lesson 9 Shadows are Fun Go outside and have a friend trace your shadow while you are standing up. Go outside later in the day and observe you shadow from the same location. What has happened? *Observe the shadow later in the day and continue the lesson .
How can you change a shadow? Lesson 9 How can you change a shadow? move the light source
Shadows Science Notebook Write: Shadows change throughout the day. Lesson 9 Science Notebook Shadows Write: Shadows change throughout the day. Draw: Draw you and your shadow. Don’t forget to include the sun. Challenge: Draw an object (animal or tree) and show where the sun and shadow would be located.
Seasonal Changes Review Lesson 10 Seasonal Changes Review Review the following: Earth Rotation Axis Sun Light Day Night Noon Sunrise Sunset Midnight Moon Orbit Reflection Moon Phases Year Month Seasons Seasonal Changes Days Length Shadow
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I’m very busy so don’t be late! CL Problem Meet me at 12:00 for lunch! I’m very busy so don’t be late! You have the opportunity to meet your favorite pop star, but the power went out and none of your clocks are working! You can’t miss your appointment with _______________! What will you do?