Food The Native Americans used every part of the buffalo for food.
Clothing Moccasin tops Winter robes Tipi covers Gun cases Belts Dresses Leggings' Dolls Rope Pillows Medicine Balls Halters Headdresses Shirts Cradles Powder-horn
Recreation Buffalo Pound –They lured the buffalo into a ravine dressed in buffalo robes. –They then stampeded the buffalo and made them go into the ravine and killed them with a spear. Buffalo Jump –Chasers or runners would run after them and make them jump off a cliff where people beneath would hide behind rocks or trees and wait for them to plummet to their death.
Other Uses for Buffalo They used the fat to make soap and cooking oil. They used bones for knives and shovels scrapers. They used the horns as cups, ladles, spoons, and headdresses. They made glue out of the hooves; they also made rattles out of the hooves. They used the buffalo dung as fuel.
Breeds Bhadavari Jaffarabadi Mehsana Murrah Nili-Ravi Surti
Sources es.htm ations/bison.htmlhttp:// ations/bison.html