PN Junction Electrostatics Chapter 5. PN Junction Electrostatics Sung June Kim
Subject Analysis of Field and potential distribution in the junction. - Quantitative Electrostatic Relationships
Junction Terminology/Idealized Profiles Preliminaries Junction Terminology/Idealized Profiles Net doping profile
Step (abrupt) junction Linearly graded junction The step junction is an acceptable approximation to an ion-implantation or shallow diffusion into a lightly doped starting wafer
Poisson’s Equation 1-Dimension Ks is the semiconductor dielectric constant and 0 is the permittivity of free space. is the charge density (charge/cm3)
Let us assume an equilibrium conditions Qualitative Solution Let us assume an equilibrium conditions It is reasonable to expect regions far removed from the metallurgical junction to be identical to an isolated semiconductor.
Under equilibrium conditions, the Fermi level is a constant
P-N Diode Junction Energy Band Ec Ef Ev Ec Ef Ev
Equilibrium P-N Junction V=0 P N Ec Ef Ev Ec Ef Ev
Forward Biased P-N Junction V>0 P N Ec Ef Ev Ec Ef Ev
Reverse Biased P-N Junction Ec Ef Ev Ec Ef Ev
V versus x relationship must have the same functional form as the “ upside-down” of Ec Eref
The voltage drop across the junction under equilibrium conditions and the appearance of charge near the metallurgical boundary Where does this charge come from?
Charge neutrality is assumed to prevail in the isolated, uniformly doped semiconductors hole electron Charge redistribution Space charge region or depletion region Charge density
The build-up of charge and the associated electric field continues until the diffusion is precisely balanced by the carrier drift The individual carrier diffusion and drift components must of course cancel to make JN and JP separately zero
The Built-in Potential (Vbi) Consider a nondegenerately-doped junction Integrating Solving for and making use of the Einstein relationship, we obtain
The Depletion Approximation It is very hard to solve The carrier concentrations are negligible in The charge density outside the depletion region=0
Exact Depletion Approximation
Assumptions/definitions Quantitative Electrostatic Relationships Assumptions/definitions
Step Junction with VA=0 Solution for Solution for
For the p-side of the depletion region Similarly on the n-side
Solution for V ( ) With the arbitrary reference potential set equal to zero at x=-xp and Vbi across the depletion region equilibrium conditions
For the p-side of the depletion region Similarly on the n-side of the junction @ x=0
Solution for xn and xp Depletion width
Step Junction with VA0 When VA > 0, the externally imposed voltage drop lowers the potential on the n-side relative to the p-side
The voltage drop across the depletion region, and hence the boundary condition at x=xn, becomes Vbi-VA
The voltage drop across the depletion region, and hence the boundary condition at x=xn, becomes Vbi-VA
Examination/Extrapolation of Results Depletion widths decrease under forward biasing and increase under reverse biasing A decreased depletion width when VA > 0 means less charge around the junction and a correspondingly smaller -field. Similarly, the potential decreases at all points when VA >0 The Fermi level is omitted from the depletion region
pn junction energy band diagrams.
Linearly Graded Junctions The linearly graded profile is modeled by The profile is continuous through x = 0 The profile is symmetrical about x = 0, all of the electrostatic variables exhibit a symmetry about x = 0 Although V is taken to be a constant outside of the depletion region, a modification of the equation for Vbi is still necessary
The charge density is symmetrical about x = 0, … … The charge density is symmetrical about x = 0, … …
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