Science Jeopardy Digestive Cardiovascular/Circulatory/Respiratory


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Presentation transcript:

Science Jeopardy Digestive Cardiovascular/Circulatory/Respiratory Muscular/Skeletal/ Integumentary Nervous/Endocrine & Miscellaneous Excretory/ Reproductive 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

A-100 ANSWER: Physical and Chemical breakdown of food to be used by the body’s cells. (Which System?) QUESTION: What is the function of the digestive system?

A-200 ANSWER: Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine. QUESTION: What are the 5 main parts of the digestive system?

A-300 ANSWER: 2 types of digestion that occurs in the mouth and small intestines QUESTION: What is physical (mechanical) and chemical digestion.

A-400 ANSWER: Type of digestion that occurs in the stomach when enzymes and acids break down food QUESTION: What is chemical digestion?

A-500 ANSWER: The system that works with the digestive system to distribute nutrients throughout the body. QUESTION: What is the circulatory system

B-100 ANSWER: supplys cells with oxygen and nutrients QUESTION: What is the function of the cardiovascular/circulatory system?

B-200 ANSWER: takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide QUESTION: What is the function of the respiratory system?

B-300 ANSWER: These take oxygenated blood away from the heart to the parts of the body. QUESTION: What are arteries

B-400 ANSWER: The waste product that the respiratory system excretes (gets rid of). QUESTION: What is carbon dioxide,CO2

B-500 ANSWER: heart to arteries to capillaries to veins and back to heart (hint: Not the name of the system) QUESTION: What is the flow of blood through the circulatory system?

C-100 ANSWER: System that helps the bones move QUESTION: What is the muscular system?

C-200 ANSWER: supports body and gives it structure, protects organs (brain, lungs, heart) makes blood cells, stores minerals like calcium QUESTION: What is the skeletal system?

C-300 ANSWER: System that includes skin, hair and nails. 1st line of defense, protects and covers internal organs, provides a barrier to protect the body from germs and bacteria. QUESTION: What is the integumentary system?

C-400 ANSWER: Skeletal, smooth and cardiac are the _ types of __________ QUESTION: What is the 3 types of muscle

C-500 ANSWER: A disease that affects bone marrow would reduce the production of what in the body? (What does bone marrow produce?) QUESTION: blood cells

D-100 ANSWER: System - controls and coordinates everything in the body QUESTION: What is the nervous system?

D-200 ANSWER: System where hormones regulate body activities and help maintain balance QUESTION: What is the endocrine system?

D-300 QUESTION: Which 2 body systems work together to provide your body with oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide? -the excretory system isn’t 1 of the answers ANSWER: RESPIRATORY AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEMS

D-400 ANSWER: Word that describes how the body tries to keep a stable internal balance (examples: stable temperature, stable sugar content in blood) QUESTION: What is “homeostasis”

D-500 ANSWER: Which hormone increases the senses and is responsible for the fight or flight response when the body is in a stressful situation (ex. video where a man looked up from texting to see a bear and the man quickly turned & ran) QUESTION: What is Adrenaline

E-100 ANSWER: Removes waste from the body (carbon dioxide, urine, etc) QUESTION: What is the function of the excretory system?

E-200 ANSWER: System that allows for the continuation of species (life). It makes egg and sperm cells which can combine to make a zygote (offspring-baby). QUESTION: What is the function of the reproductive system?

E-300 ANSWER: kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra QUESTION: What are main parts of the excretory system?

E-400 ANSWER: The function of the lungs in the excretory system. (yes, it’s part of the respiratory system too but that’s not the answer) QUESTION: What is removes carbon dioxide (waste) from the body.

E-500 ANSWER: Which 2 systems work together to excrete (get rid of) sweat from the body? QUESTION: What is the integumentary and excretory systems?(nervous ok too)