Vocab Unit 5 Quiz on 2/6/18
Altruistic Adjective (adj) unselfish; concerned with the welfare of others The altruistic group of teenagers organized a clothing drive to help those in need.
Assent (v) to express agreement (n) agreement I assented with my mom when she was arguing with my brother, so she would let me go to the movies. I gave my assent to my friends and we were able to move past our conflict.
Benefactor noun one who does good to others Bill Gates is a well known benefactor who has helped countless students afford college and higher education.
Chivalrous Adjective marked by honor, courtesy, and courage; knightly The chivalrous young man held the door open for all the people behind him.
Clemency Noun mercy; humaneness; mildness; moderateness The man asked the judge to show him clemency and not sentence him to fifty years in prison for the crime.
Dearth Noun a lack; scarcity; inadequate supply; a famine Due to the dearth of evidence, the lawyer couldn’t convince the jury that the woman was guilty.
Diffident Adjective shy; lacking self-confidence; reserved The diffident dog was afraid to come out of its crate and play with the other dogs.
Discrepancy Noun a difference; a lack of agreement There was a big discrepancy between what the cake looked like on Pinterest and how it turned out in real life.
Embark Verb to go aboard; to make a start; to invest The seniors at school are ready to graduate and embark on their post-graduate journeys.
Facile Adjective easily done or attained; superficial; fluent Since she had years of practice and training, the complicated gymnastic move was facile for her.
Indomitable Adjective unconquerable; refusing to yield Sometimes little dogs think they are indomitable, but their bark is much bigger than their bite.
Infallible Adjective free from error; absolutely dependable The infallible evidence proved without a doubt that the man had committed the crime.
Plod Verb to walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly As he got older, Boxer plodded up and down the hill with difficulty, but he still managed to help build the windmill.
Pungent adjective causing a sharp sensation; stinging; biting We opened the fridge after the power had been out for two days and we were hit by the pungent smell of rotting food.
Remiss Adjective neglectful in performance of one's duty The groundsman was remiss in his duties and forgot to cut the grass.
Repose (v) to rest; lie (n) relaxation; peace of mind; calmness My dog likes to repose on the concrete in the sun. The yoga class was in a state of repose while they were meditating.
Temerity Noun rashness; boldness With a flash of temerity, she jumped off the cliff and dove into the water.
Truculent Adjective fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly The truculent bully tried to pick a fight with anyone.
Unfeigned Adjective sincere, real; without pretense When she opened the door to her surprise party and saw all of her friends, there was an unfeigned look of surprise on her face.
Virulent Adjective extremely poisonous; full of malice; spiteful It is not good to keep virulent people in your life because they will make life more difficult.