Item 3.1 – Overview of 2016 and 2017 UOE data collections Jacques Lanneluc Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2017
General overview Specific items on Expenditure data Time series Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2017
2016 was a new year of consolidation Positive exercise with globally good results in data quality, but efforts are still needed on the timeliness without jeopardising data quality. Thanks Some countries were later this year on some questionnaires Some questionnaires still missing (totally or partially) GR, IS Quality reports: 8 missing (CZ, IE, GR, HR, LU, SK, LI, IS) Updated Isced mappings: 10 missing (CZ, DK, GR, HR, IT, SK, SE, UK, IS, LI) Specific item on Education expenditure, with a preliminary assessement of the data quality (next on the agenda) Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2017
UOE 2016 - Data transmission/processing Use of eDAMIS (Eurostat standard transmission tool): All countries use eDAMIS but not in systematic way Countries are recommended: To use eDAMIS for all questionnaires To inform the UOE team of any change in their organisation having an impact on the data transmission Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2017 4
Quick pre-check on the quality of data submission. UOE 2016 – Data processing Quick pre-check on the quality of data submission. = Minimum requirements: NO mixing of numeric values and flags in data sheet. Not too many empty data items (either value or flag) The quality is improving but ENRL and FIN still most rejected We will continue in 2017 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2017 5
UOE 2016 – Data processing SDMX (standard to describe, model and exchange data) We are still in the process to make the final Data Structure Definition in collaboration with Unesco (leading this exercise) and Oecd. Piloting a data collection using SDMX compliant transmissions is still a medium term objective. Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2017
New Fields of education Implementation and dissemination Use of new 2013 ISCED-F from data collection 2016 onwards (reference year 2015) Most detailed level required (4 digits). Difficulty to break down Isced 8 data into fields of education is acknowledged. Public data dissemination on Eurostat website from 2016 onwards with new classification ISCED-F Transcodification of data 2013 and 2014 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017
2016 validation Eurostat (Head of Unit level) intends to send individual "end of validation" letters to countries focusing on the compliance with the Commission Regulation Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2017
New in 2017 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 16 -17 June 2015
Credit mobility – New questionnaire Adaptation to the new data requirements set out in the revised UOE Regulation (Regulation 912/2013), taking into account data needs as regards the EU benchmark which has been defined as follows: By 2020, an EU average of at least 20 % of higher education graduates should have had a period of higher education-related study or training…abroad, representing a minimum of 15 ECTS credits or lasting a minimum of three months. Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017
Credit mobility – New tables GRADCRED1 Credit mobility; minimum stay of 3 months or 15 ECTS; by ISCED level and type of programme (optional: type of mobility) GRADCRED2 Credit mobility; minimum stay of 3 months or 15 ECTS; by ISCED level and country of destination GRADCRED2 optional Credit mobility; stay of less than 3 months or 15 ECTS; by ISCED level, country of destination and type of mobility Report on mobility stays of less than 3 months: optional Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017 11
Credit mobility – Data transmission First transmission of data on graduates who have had a 'credit mobility' stay in November 2017 (referring to the school/academic year 2015/2016 as defined nationally or the calendar year 2016) Guidelines are available on Circabc (Learning Mobility Manual + Questions/Answers on credit mobility) Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017
UOE 2017 - Deadlines Questionnaires will soon be sent in collaboration with Oecd and Unesco (earlier than last year) By 30 September Enrolments, entrants, personnel, foreign languages, enrolments at regional level By 30 November Graduates Education expenditure Credit mobility Quality reports + Isced mappings to be sent by 31 January 2018 Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2017
UOE 2017 – General recommendation Countries are still recommended To estimate missing information (and to improve their estimates if necessary) To provide appropriate metadata so that end users are properly informed To anticipate the end of existing derogations (only IT and PO will keep derogations) Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2017
Summary The ETS WG has been informed on the state of play of the UOE 2016 data collection "End of validation" letters will be sent to the countries The ETS has been informed on the launch of the 2017 data collection and the new questionnaire on credit mobility In addition to this general overview, specific items on expenditure data and time series are on the agenda Eurostat Education and Training Statistics Working Group - Luxembourg, 1-2 June 2017