SL1 – Level 1 Qualification in Sports Leadership Tutor Resource


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Presentation transcript:

SL1 – Level 1 Qualification in Sports Leadership Tutor Resource Unit 2 – Plan, assist and review sport/physical activity sessions

Unit 2 – Plan, assist and review sport/physical activity sessions Learning Outcomes in this unit By the end of this unit you will: Know how to plan structured and inclusive sport/physical activity Be able to plan structured and inclusive sport/physical activity Know how to lead structured and inclusive sport/physical activity Be able to assist in leading structured and inclusive sport/physical activity Be able to review a sport/physical activity session

Unit 2 – Plan, assist and review sport/physical activity sessions Learning Outcome 1 By the end of this section you will: Know how to plan structured and inclusive sport/physical activity sessions And to provide evidence of this you must: Complete Task 2.1 – Evaluate own leadership skills (in LER) either during or after the delivery of this section

Planning sport/physical activity sessions In order to plan sessions that will be successful, there are lots of different bits of information that you will need to know. Activity – Planning considerations Time: 60 minutes Working in pairs or small groups, complete the proforma below: Share your thoughts with the rest of the group and add any elements you might not have considered. What information will be needed? Where will I find this information? How will I collect this information? How will this affect my planning? Tutor notes –

Elements of a sport/physical activity session Sport and physical activity sessions may include all or some of these elements: Introduction Warm up Main activity Game activity Cool down Ending/summing up/plenary

Elements of a sport/physical activity session Activity – Session elements Time: 30 minutes For each element identified above, suggest why it may be included/important in a session and what it may look like/what format it may take.

Activities for each element of a session The activities that you plan for each identified element will be determined by the group you are working with and the aims and objectives of the session you are leading. It is useful to have an ‘activity bank’ of ideas you can use in your planning and leading.

Activities for each element of a session Activity – Activity bank Time: 60 minutes Mind map the different activities that could be used in each part of the session (e.g. intro, warm up, main activity, game, cool down, feedback) Select two activities for each element and lead the rest the rest of your group through them in a practical session. Note down your activities and everyone else’s too – so that by the end of the session you have started to create an activity bank with ideas for each different element. You can use these activities when you are planning and leading future sessions.

Unit 2 – Plan, assist in leading and review sport/physical activity Learning Outcome 2 By the end of this section you will: Be able to plan structured and inclusive sport/physical activity And to provide evidence of this you must: Complete Task 2.1 – Plan, assist and review sport/physical activity session (in LER) either during or after the delivery of this section

Planning sport/physical activity sessions Now you have to put the theory into practice by planning sport/physical activity sessions for real! In order to do this you will need to: Use appropriate methods to collect the information you need to inform your planning Consider what the different elements of your session will look like and then select activities for each that are suitable for the participants and the aims/objectives of your session

Wild cards planning practice Activity – Wild cards Time: 60 minutes The use of ‘wild cards’ is a good way to practice your planning. Prepare 4 sets of cards which contain (imaginary) information you need to consider in your planning practice: Set 1 – Details about the participants (age, number, ability) Set 2 – Details of the equipment is available to you Set 3 – Information on the facilities and environment (e.g. inside, outside, size, etc.) Set 4 – Wild cards* – a circumstance that will require you to refine your plans Working in pairs or small groups select a card from each set and plan your session within the constraints on your cards. Explain your session and the reasons for the decision made to the whole group. * Wild cards can be given out after the initial planning has been completed. Plans should be adapted to accommodate this new information

Unit 2 – Plan, lead and evaluate sport/physical activity sessions Learning Outcome 3 By the end of this section you will: Know how to lead structured and inclusive sport/physical activity And to provide evidence of this you must: Complete Task 2.1 – Plan, assist and review sport/physical activity session (in LER) either during or after the delivery of this section

Key skills for leading sport/physical activity sessions In order to lead successfully there are key skills that must be understood. These include: Verbal and non-verbal communication Why this is important, different communication methods, which to use and when Organisation within the session Managing participants, equipment, transitions, start and end of the session Motivation Ways to motivate, selecting motivational methods to engage all participants Adapting activities Making activities easier/harder so that all participants can achieve

Communication skills for leading sport/physical activity There are many different communication games that can be used to demonstrate the importance of different elements of communication. Mirror drawing (explanation on the next slide) is one example. Search online to see if you can find any others to play.

Communication skills for leading sport/physical activity Activity - Mirror drawing Time: 30 minutes Working in pairs, with a piece of paper and a pencil each, label yourselves A and B sit back to back. As have one minute to draw a picture/pattern/random shapes on their paper. Then turn turn and face each other. As have 2 minutes to describe what they have drawn - B must try to draw a replica. There will be rules to abide by (e.g. no hand signals, neither can see their partner's paper until the end, you can’t use the names of any shapes etc.) Once the time is up compare picture to see how close you got to drawing a replica. If you were/weren’t close why do you think this was? What did you learn about giving verbal instructions? How is this activity relevant to your leading others? What did you learn that you will use when leading others?

Organisation within the session This can include things such as: managing equipment (storing, handing out, collecting back in), participants (entering, transitions between activities, leaving) and being aware of safety. Effective organisation is key to a successful and safe session.

Organisation within the session Activity – Invent-a-game Time: 60 minutes Working in pairs or small groups, you will be given some random equipment - sports or non-sports equipment (e.g. toilet roll, item of clothing, newspaper etc.). Make up a new game using the equipment and a given area. Your game must have a name, basic rules, be fun and be play-able by the group. You will be asked to explain and demonstrate your game and then organise the rest of the group to play it. Review your activity to explore what you had to organise, how successfully you did this and what you would do in the future to improve your organisation.

Motivating participants There are many different ways to motivate participants – the next two activities give you chance to explore motivation techniques Activity – (non!)musical cones Time: 20 minutes You will be given a cone and asked to place it somewhere in the working space. Everyone moves around the space then, on a given signal (music stopping, whistle, shout etc.), you must stand at a cone as quickly as possible. Like musical chairs, the tutor will gradually take cones away. At the start, cone-less learners just have to collect a new cone and join back in. The tutor can begin to add in various other consequences e.g. being ‘out’, challenges, etc. Discuss what effect these ‘consequences’ had on your motivation levels and what are the implications of this when you are leading.

Motivating participants Activity – It’s not a competition! Time: 30 minutes As a small group discuss and list the things that motivate you (generally in life). Then mind map the things that could motivate sports participants. Finally, explore how you can use this information as a sports leader

Adapting activities The participants in your sessions will have differing abilities and varying needs. In order to make sure everyone has fun and can achieve you will need to be able to deliver activities that are suitable for all. Activity – Make a change Time: 60 minutes The tutor will set up and deliver an activity (maybe a simple invasion game) for the group to play. At random, you will be asked to select a ‘make a change’ card which will ask you to change the activity in some way (e.g. make it harder, make it easier, make it accessible for participants with reduced mobility/visual/ hearing impairment, mixed ability, 4 year olds, 16 year olds etc.)

Unit 2 – Plan, lead and evaluate sport/physical activity sessions Learning Outcome 4 By the end of this section you will: Be able to assist in leading structured and inclusive sport/physical activity And to provide evidence of this you must: Complete Task 2.1 – Plan, assist and review sport/physical activity session (in LER) either during or after the delivery of this section Complete Leadership Log

Leading a sport/physical activity session Now it’s time for you to put all of your planning into practice by leading a sport or physical activity session. Remember: To follow your plan But it is not set in stone! A successful leader will see things that are not working and make changes as they go along To be aware of safety Take note of anything that could pose a risk and take steps to make it as safe as possible To use your key leadership skills effectively Use appropriate communication, motivation and organisational skills

Unit 2 – Plan, lead and evaluate sport/physical activity sessions Learning Outcome 5 By the end of this section you will: Be able to review a sport/physical activity session And to provide evidence of this you must: Complete Task 2.1 – Plan, assist and review sport/physical activity session (in LER) either during or after the delivery of this section

Reviewing sport/physical activity session It is only by taking the time to review your sessions that you will learn what went well, what needs more work and what you will change for next time. There are various ways you can review your sessions, including: Self review Peer review Group review Tutor review Participant review

The team bus evaluation tool Activity – The team bus Time: 10 minutes As a group reflect back on your group performance. Consider where on ‘the team bus’ you would place them. Where would you place others? Were you/they: The driver – the take charge and ‘drive’ the activity forward The fuel – keep energy levels up by encouraging and motivating Back seat passenger – and just along for the ride? Or did they/you miss the bus completely? – had no idea what was going on!. Place your peer/yourself on the bus (illustrative diagram on the next slide) according to the role you played in the activity Explain the reasons for your decision.

The team bus evaluation tool

Task Reminder – you need to have completed Task 2.1 from your LER. On your session plan template you must review at least one sport/physical activity session that you have been involved in leading.

End of Unit 2 – Plan, lead and evaluate sport/physical activity sessions Recap A quick reminder of the Learning Outcomes in this unit: You should now: Know how to plan structured and inclusive sport/physical activity Be able to plan structured and inclusive sport/physical activity Know how to lead structured and inclusive sport/physical activity Be able to assist in leading structured and inclusive sport/physical activity Be able to review a sport/physical activity session