Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon Poetry (applies to riddles, Beowulf, The Seafarer, etc.) 1
Facts Originally oral, not written Employs alliteration (repetition of initial consonant sounds) Employs kennings (descriptive, metaphorical phrases of 2-4 words) 2
Kennings Beowulf Grendel Grendel’s mother Hrothgar Higlac Wealtheow Ocean Sun dragon 3
Repetition (of words, entire phrases, stories) Understatement (saying less than is meant) Gory details References to God/wyrd/fate 4
Beliefs and Traditions WYRD or fate controls life Honor requires revenge/compensation for injury or death (WERGILD) Love of war and violence Love of treasure, wealth and prosperity (results of bravery) 5
Loyalty to family/tribe Love of stories, especially hero stories Belief that nothing good ever lasts Love of rituals: feasting, burial, etc. Unwritten contract between king and warrior: generosity for loyalty (COMITATUS) 6
Qualities of Anglo-Saxon Warrior Hero (and a life of honor) Excellence, competence, skill In battle In sailing In riding 7
Great strength (even superhuman strength) Loyalty (especially to the king) Devotion to duty, eagerness to fight Generosity Love of fame, glory, boasts 8
Characteristics of Epic Literature (such as Beowulf) Reveals the traditions, customs of the people Grand/large in its scope: geography, time Lofty/formal language Employs the supernatural 9
Battle between good and evil Illustrates man in a hostile environment, the sacrifice of the hero Generally concerns the noble deeds of a warrior-hero and his companions 10