ABC Order ABC Order With Mrs Ford
We can put words in a special order called alphabetical order. The first letter of the word is used to tell where the word would appear in ABC order. Look at these words: bag car apple The word apple would come first in ABC order because a comes before c or b in the alphabet.
Put these words in ABC order. cat ape bear ape bear cat
1. flock block clock 2. mouse house blouse 3. fish wish dish Can you put these words in ABC order ? 1. flock block clock 2. mouse house blouse 3. fish wish dish
3. 2. 1. fish 2 mouse 3 flock 3 wish 3 house 2 block 1 dish 1 blouse 1 This is the ABC order. 3. fish 2 wish 3 dish 1 2. mouse 3 house 2 blouse 1 1. flock 3 block 1 clock 2
2. tree bee see 3. mowing flowing growing 1. feather weather leather Can you put these words in ABC order ? 2. tree bee see 3. mowing flowing growing 1. feather weather leather
2. tree 3 bee 1 see 2 3. mowing 3 flowing 1 growing 2 1. feather 1 This is the ABC order. 2. tree 3 bee 1 see 2 3. mowing 3 flowing 1 growing 2 1. feather 1 weather 3 leather 2
Now that you have learned to put words in alphabetical order, show a friend how to do it!