www.niusileadscape.org Web-based tools for school improvement
Social networking with educators Facebook page Facebook group
LeadCast expert blog
Topical Briefs to support best practices
Complete, ready-to-use Professional Learning modules
Event announcements
School wikis for sharing information and resources
With drop-down menus for type of data, racial group, and LRE category! National data maps With drop-down menus for type of data, racial group, and LRE category!
District maps of 8 major U.S. cities Drop-down menus for racial group Proportion of population for each racial group Relative risk for special education identification views by school!
Classroom-level data maps for LeadScape schools Drop down menu of data options Password-protected student data
Online School Improvement Plan Rubric for inclusive practices Identification of problem areas
Project management tool for school leaders Task Tracker Project management tool for school leaders
Discussion forums for LeadScape schools