MMAC T71 Ad hoc WG Liaison Report May 2004 Yasuhiko Inoue NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories Yasuhiko Inoue, NTT
Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx May 2004 MMAC Overview MMAC (Multimedia Mobile Access Communication Systems Promotion Council) Activities: Investigation and study on system specifications, Standardization MMAC makes some of the Japanese standard for radio communication systems including ARIB STD T-71 Demonstrative experiment Information exchange and popularization activities, etc Committees High Speed Wireless Access Committee (HiSWAN, CSMA) Wireless Home-Link Committee (Wireless 1394, UWB) Yasuhiko Inoue, NTT John Doe, His Company
T71 Ad hoc WG Mission: Creation: January 2003 Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx May 2004 T71 Ad hoc WG Mission: Maintenance of ARIB STD-T71 ARIB STD-T71: IEEE 802.11a compatible WLAN system Standardization of 5GHz band wireless access system Operations in the 4.9 – 5.0 and 5.030 – 5.091 GHz bands The same scope with TGj Creation: January 2003 Chair: Noboru Matsumoto (TEPCO Optical Network) Member companies: Atheros, Canon, Denso, Fujitsu, Hitach Cable, Intel, Japan Telecom, JRC, Mitsubishi, Murata, NEC, NTT, TOYOCOM, Panasonic, Samsung, TEPCO Optical Network, TDK, Toshiba, TTNet, and more Yasuhiko Inoue, NTT John Doe, His Company
Current Activities WG Activities Discussion about future plans none May 2004 Current Activities WG Activities none Discussion about future plans MMAC is going to change its organization 2 Working Groups and 1 Special Interest Group for WLAN systems: WG for 802.11 systems WG for HiSWAN systems SIG for Future Wireless LAN systems Some other WGs and SIGs will be formed: UWB Wireless 1394 publicity New organization will be approved in MMAC plenary meeting to be held in June. Yasuhiko Inoue, NTT