MISSOC NETWORK MEETING Copenhagen, 24 & 25 May 2012 Brainstorming session on the topic for the Analysis/2 Gender differences in social security Introduction
Social security schemes influenced by Background Social security schemes influenced by traditional distribution of roles between women and men « standard » family structure (married couple with two children) Report influenced by relevant international sources EU law ILO conventions Council of Europe documents
Report limited to statutory schemes Gender differences Scope Report limited to statutory schemes Not dealing with occupational schemes Gender differences Not dealing with multidimensional /intersectoral issues May include differences between various groups of women and various groups of men
Research focused on the most significant risks Presentation and analysis of Gender differences in social security systems of MISSOC States Research focused on the most significant risks Report in relation to key questions Direct/indirect forms of discrimination Formal/substantive equality of treatment Objectively justifiable gender differences Positive actions Tendency towards equalisation of rights between men and women?