INTEGRATION BASIC FACTS IntegrationSupport Team “Our vision is for a Scotland where people who are disabled or living with long term conditions and unpaid carers have a strong voice and enjoy their right to live well.”
Basic Integration Timeline Royal Assent April 2014 Consultation on Regulations and development of guidance April – August 2014 Regulations and guidance complete November 2014 – February 2015 Local Integration Schemes submitted to Government April 2015 Integration goes live All integrated functions in place April 2016
Integration Joint Board Strategic Planning Group Structure Integration Joint Board Strategic Planning Group (potentially with subgroups for people who present with specific needs e.g. physical disability; learning disability,…) Locality Planning Locality Planning Locality Planning Locality Planning Group A Group B Group C Group D (these groups have a focus on specific geographic communities)
Integration Governance Voting Membership: Non Executive Directors of Health Board Elected Members Non Voting Membership: A nominated registered health professional. Chief Social Work Officer Staff representatives: NHS and L.A. A third sector representative (TSI) A carer representative A service user representative Others at local discretion. Integration Joint Board
Integration Governance Responsible For the Governance of the Organisation Strategic Leadership – setting the direction of the organisation Management Oversight – monitoring and auditing performance and implementation Ensuring Stakeholder Engagement Risk Management Audit & Evaluation
Joint Strategic and Locality Planning Joint Strategic Commissioning: A co-produced approach to planning, commissioning and delivering services based on locally identified needs and priorities. Strategic Planning Group – responsible for developing joint strategic commissioning plan – what want to create; how we are going to do it Locality Planning Group – responsible for planning for the local area (informs strategic plan but delivery also needs to be aligned with it)
Strategic Planning Group Representation From the Third Sector (potentially) People who use health services People who use social care services Carers of people who use health care services Carers of people who use social care services Non-commercial providers of health care Non-commercial providers of social care Non-commercial providers of social housing Other third sector bodies whose activities contribute to health & wellbeing, but not as their primary purpose
Strategic Planning Group Representation Health professionals Social care professionals Commercial providers of health care Commercial providers of social care The group also needs to have a representative from each of the locality planning groups although people may fulfil more than one role so this might not mean additional members
National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer. People, including those with disabilities or long term conditions or who are frail are able to live, as far as reasonably practicable, independently and at home or in a homely setting in their community. People who use health and social care services have positive experiences of those services, and have their dignity respected.
National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Health and social care services are centred on helping to maintain or improve the quality of life of people who use those services. Health and social care services contribute to reducing health inequalities. People who provide unpaid care are supported to look after their own health and wellbeing, including to reduce any negative impact of their caring role on their own health and wellbeing.
National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes People using health and social care services are safe from harm. People who work in health and social care services feel engaged with the work they do and are supported to continuously improve the information, support, care and treatment they provide. Resources are used effectively and efficiently in the provision of health and social care services.