iClicker Cloud – First Day of Class Slides Note to Instructors: Text marked in RED should be changed to better suit your course set-up.
Devices Allowed in Class You are required to bring a device to participate in iClicker sessions during class. I will be allowing the use of the iClicker Reef app (on a smartphone, tablet or laptop), an iClicker remote, or both. Everyone will need to follow these registration steps, regardless of the device in use.
Click the iClicker Link in UM Learn Insert Screenshot of your UM Learn Course Navigate to the iClicker Reef registration link in our UM Learn course and click the link. This will bring you to the iClicker Reef sign-in page.
Link your iClicker Reef Account You must have an iClicker Reef account to ensure your grades are counted, even if you use a physical remote. If you already have a Reef account, sign in here! Do not create and use more than one Reef account as you will only receive credit from a single account. If you do not have a Reef account, click Sign Up! to create your account.
Complete Your Reef Profile Enter University of Manitoba as your institution when you create your iClicker Reef account. Enter your name and university email address. For your student ID, please enter your UMnetID.
Create a Password Create and confirm your password in the two boxes on the next page. Click Create Account.
iClicker at University of Manitoba The University of Manitoba has already purchased your subscription for you, so if you’ll be polling in class using a mobile device, you’re done with the setup process. The message of having a free trial is standard with account creation. Please, ignore that message. You should not see any messaging after the first initial note.
Add your iClicker remote ID If you plan to use an iClicker remote, you must register your 8-digit iClicker remote ID in your Reef account. The first time you sign into your iClicker Reef account, you will be prompted to register the 8-digit remote ID found on the back of your remote. You can also add or update your remote registration at any time through the Profile section of the Reef app.
Check Your Courses List in Reef After clicking the iClicker link from UM Learn and creating or signing into your Reef account, check your course list in Reef to ensure that this course has been added to your account. The course should have been added automatically. If it hasn’t been added, please go back to the link in UMLearn and click it again - do not create a new account, just sign in. The course should be added. Your Name University of Manitoba Insert current course screenshot here!
Join a Session I will be running iClicker polling sessions in class. When I start a session, you will see a “Join” button appear on your screen if you’re using the Reef app. Click “Join” to participate in a poll. If you’re using a remote, just power on your remote and make sure you’re connected to the right frequency! You will see a green light flash or a check mark appear on your remote to indicate that you’re connected.
Course Information After Class The Course History provides a detailed view of your individual session results, by date. You can select a session to flag questions for study tools or to view more details, including results and images of polling questions. The main screen of Reef shows your Course Statistics. Here you can access a detailed overview of your course performance for polls.
Study Tools Flagging questions from your course history allows you to create flashcards to view and study in the Study Tools tab.
Questions or Trouble Registering? Reach out to the IST Service Desk Information Services and Technology 123 Fletcher Argue University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada Office: 204-474-8600 Fax: 204-474-7515 Servicedesk@umanitoba.ca