A Story of Units Module Focus Grade 5 Module 2


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Presentation transcript:

A Story of Units Module Focus Grade 5 Module 2 July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X A Story of Units Module Focus Grade 5 Module 2 NOTE THAT THIS SESSION IS DESIGNED TO BE 195 MINUTES IN LENGTH Turnkey Materials Provided in Addition to PowerPoint: Grade 5—Module 2 Additional Suggested Resources: Progression document A Story of Units: A Curriculum Overview for Grades P-5 How to Implement A Story of Units This Module Focus follows an opening session providing a update on the Curriculum Overview/Map of A Story of Units. At the previous NTI, sessions were dedicated to introducing the beginning module for each grade-level for Kindergarten through Grade 5. In this session, participants will explore the “next” module of their chosen grade-level, examining the mathematics of the module and analyzing the progression of concepts across the module.

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Session Objectives Draw connections between the progression documents and the careful sequence of mathematical concepts that develop within each module. Articulate how the topics and lessons promote mastery of the focus standards and how the module addresses the major work of the grade. Prepare to implement the module and make appropriate instructional choices to meet the needs of students while maintaining the balance of rigor that is built into the curriculum. Our objectives for this session are to explore Grade 5–Module 2 in order to: Draw connections between the Numbers and Operations in Base Ten progression document and the careful sequence of mathematical concepts that develop within each module. Articulate how the topics and lessons promote mastery of the focus standards and how the module addresses the major work of the grade. Prepare to implement the module and make appropriate instructional choices to meet the needs of students while maintaining the balance of rigor that is built into the curriculum.

Participant Poll Classroom teacher Math Specialist/Math Coach Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Participant Poll Classroom teacher Math Specialist/Math Coach Principal District leader BOCES representative In order for us to better address your individual needs, it is helpful to know a little bit about you collectively. Who of you are classroom teachers? (Call for a show of hands.) School-level leader? Principal? District-level leader? BOCES representative? NOTE TO FACILITATOR: As you poll the participants, take note of the approximate size of each group. This will make it easier for you to re-group the participants for the final portion of this presentation. Regardless of your role, what you all have in common is the need to deeply understand the mathematics of the curriculum and the intentional instructional sequence in which it is brought to life for students. Throughout this session, we ask you to be cognizant of your specific educational role and how you will be able to promote successful implementation in your classroom, school, district, and/or BOCES. Each time we pause to reflect, please do so through the lens of your own professional responsibilities. At the close of this session, you will have time to share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns with others in a similar role.

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X AGENDA Study of the Progression Document Examination of Module Overview Exploration of Selected Lessons Examination of Assessments Bringing the Module to Life In this session, we’ll begin by spending some time with the Numbers and Operations in Base Ten (NBT) progression document in order to better understand the mathematical concepts that are addressed in this module. Then we will examine the Module Overview and Assessments. The major portion of our time will be dedicated to looking at a number of lessons from the module. Finally, we’ll discuss the instructional choices that you might make as you implement the module in order to best meet the needs of your students. Before we move on to the Progression document, let’s take a quick look at the curriculum map in order to see how this module fits into the overall plan for this grade.

TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X This curriculum map is found on page 3 of A Story of Units: A Curriculum Overview for Grades P-5. For those of you who participated in the May NTI, you’ll recall that we deeply examined the first module of Grade 5. In this session, we will continue that deep examination of the next module. NOTE TO FACILITATOR: Take a moment to share briefly the following information about this module. What is the title of this module? (Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fraction Operations: Reasoning about Partial Products and Quotients) How many instructional days are allotted for this module? (35 days) What modules, prior to this one, might prepare students for success in this module? (G5 M1: Place Value & Decimal Fractions, and G4 M3 – Using Place Value Understanding & Properties of Operations to Perform Multi-Digit Multiplication & Division) What modules, beyond this one, might build on the concepts of this module? (M4: Multiplication & Division of Fractions and Decimal Fractions, and M5: Addition and Multiplication with Volume and Area)

Numbers & Operations in Base 10 Progression Study Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Numbers & Operations in Base 10 Progression Study At your table, split into four teams: Team A: pp. 12-13 Team C: pp. 16-17 Team B: pp. 14-15 Team D: pp. 18-19 First, scan all of the visuals on pages 12-15. Then, read your section silently. After reading independently, discuss your section with your teammate(s). As a foundation for our study of Grade 5’s Module 2, we’re going to first take some time to examine a portion of the NUMBERS & OPERATIONS IN BASE TEN progression document that describes the mathematical concepts that will be developed throughout the lessons. As you read, keep in mind the goals of Module 2: Understand place value and the patterns of our base-10 number system Use rounding and estimation skills to support calculations Multiply whole numbers and decimals with the standard algorithm Divide whole numbers and decimals with the standard algorithm Please mark up your copy of the progressions in a way that will make it easier for you to reference in the future. You’ll have about 10 minutes to read independently and discuss with your team. Then, you’ll have an opportunity to discuss your thoughts with others at your table.

Numbers & Operations in Base 10 Progression Study Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 9 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Numbers & Operations in Base 10 Progression Study As you read your portion of the NBT Progression, highlight the information relevant to the content of this module. Consider how visual models and a solid understanding of our base 10 number system (5.NBT.2) can contribute to student understanding of the multiplication and division algorithms. As you read your portion of the Number and Operations in Base Ten Progression Document, highlight the information relevant to the content of this module. Consider how visual models and a solid understanding of our base 10 number system can contribute to student understanding of the multiplication and division algorithms. Allow participants 10 minutes to read independently and discuss with their teammate(s). Then advance to the next slide for a turn and talk. In this and all reflections, encourage participants to reflect through the lens of their respective roles.

Progression Study Discuss what you have read with your table. Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 8 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Progression Study Discuss what you have read with your table. How will visual models and a solid understanding of the structure of our Base 10 Number System (5.NBT.2) support student understanding of the multiplication and division algorithms? How might visual models and a solid understanding of the structure of our Base 10 Number System (5.NBT.2) contribute to student understanding of the multiplication and division algorithms? After discussing with your team, share your thoughts with the table. In a few moments, we will ask a few tables to share their most illuminating thoughts. Allow 6 minutes for participants to share and discuss as a table. Then, facilitate share-out for 2 minutes.

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X AGENDA Study of the Progression Document Examination of Module Overview Exploration of Selected Lessons Examination of Assessments Bringing the Module to Life Now that we’ve read the information provided in the Progressions documents, let’s examine how these concepts are addressed in this module.

Review of Module Structure Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Review of Module Structure Module Overview Topic L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 For those of you who may be unfamiliar with A Story of Units, I’ll take just a moment to review the organizational structure of the modules that make up A Story of Units: Each grade contains 5-8 modules. Modules are comprised of topics, topics break into concepts, and concepts become lessons. Modules and topics will vary in length depending on the concepts addressed in each. In 1st through 5th grades, every lesson is designed for a 60 minute instructional period; in Kindergarten, lessons are designed for a 50 minute period; Pre-kindergarten lessons are designed for a 25 minute period. This graphic illustrates the breakdown of the module structure. Each component, moving from the Overview to the Lesson, provides a more specific level of information. As you plan to implement A Story of Units, each of these components will be important to your understanding of the instructional path of the module. The Standards, both Content and Practice, come to life through the lessons. Rigorous problems are embedded throughout the module. We will spend time in the upcoming sessions exploring this further.

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Grade 5 Module 2 Overview Students apply the patterns of the base-ten system to mental strategies and the multiplication and division algorithms. Grade 5’s Module 2 follows a pattern: Use our familiarity with the basic multiplication facts and the structure of our base 10 number system to FIRST: Understand multiplication, multiply whole numbers, and multiply decimals, and SECOND: Understand division, divide whole numbers, and divide with decimals. Both the multiplication and division algorithms are developed with a strong emphasis on estimating before solving.

Grade 5 Module 2 Overview Review Grade 5 Module 2 Overview. Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 8 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Grade 5 Module 2 Overview Review Grade 5 Module 2 Overview. Make note of important information that will help educators understand the content and prepare to implement this module. Each Module Overview contains multiple components to help educators understand more clearly the focus of the module. These components include: Descriptive narrative Distribution of Instructional Minutes Focus Grade Level Standards, Foundational Standards, and Standards for Mathematical Practices Overview of Module Topics and Lesson Objectives Terminology Suggested Tools and Representations Scaffolds Assessment Summary (CLICK TO ADVANCE FIRST BULLET) Take 7 minutes to read the Module Overview independently. (CLICK TO ADVANCE SECOND BULLET) As you read, mark important information that will help build understanding of the content in preparation to implement this module. You might do so using a symbol, such as a star, or by highlighting essential portions.

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 4 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module Overview How does this Module compare to your past experiences with this content? How does each component of the Module Overview prepare you to implement this material in your classroom? Turn and talk with others at your table about your observations. Turn and talk with others at your table. Share your observations and ask them to do the same. Allow 4 minutes for participants to turn and talk about their review of the Overview and their response to the information provided there. NOTE TO FACILITATOR: You may choose to facilitate a discussion using the following talking points: Which standards are the focus of this module? (5NBT.1, 2, 5, 6, and 7, 5MD.1, 5OA.1, and 2) Which standards are foundational to this module? (4OA.1, 3, and 4, 4NBT.5, and 6.) This corresponds with the information we saw in the Distribution of Instructional Minutes diagram.) These are standards with which students are expected to be familiar. This list is provided to assist teachers in helping students build on previous understandings, making logical connections across grades. In addition, and especially while the implementation of the CCLS is new, teachers should be prepared to address any gaps that may exist in these foundational understandings. Which Mathematical Practices are emphasized in this module? (MP.1, 2, 7, and 8.) While it is certainly hoped that teachers will continue to promote all practices on a regular basis as opportunities arise, these practices listed in the Overview are particularly appropriate for the lessons in this module. In addition to the information provided in this list, activity-specific suggestions are provided in the lessons themselves. What do you know about the assessment included in this module? (Module 2’s mid-module assessment follows topics A through D, which provide a sequential study of multiplication. The end-module assessment follows topics E through H, which provide a sequential study of division.)

Topic Openers Read the eight Topic Openers of Module 2. Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 8 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Topic Openers Read the eight Topic Openers of Module 2. Consider how each topic builds on previous topics and lays the foundation for future topics. Make note of important information that will help educators implement these lessons. Within a given topic, the lessons work together to build strong understanding of a set of related concepts. The topic openers give us a concise vision of the work of the lessons. Please read quietly – either alone or with a partner – for 8 minutes. Then you’ll have 4 minutes to discuss the information you’ve gleaned from the topic openers with your table. As you read, mark important information that will help educators implement these lessons. Again, you might choose to use a symbol or series of symbols, or you might simply highlight essential portions. Allow 8 minutes for participant to read and discuss topic openers. Then allow 4 minutes for participants to discuss at their tables, and have volunteers share with the whole group. The goal is to highlight the sequential and intentional structure of the topic openers, so that a clear picture of the progression of the module unfolds.

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 7 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Topic Openers How does each topic contribute to the overall instructional goal of the module? How are the Topic Openers useful as a planning tool for this module? How does each topic build on the topics before it and contribute to the goals of future topics? Turn and talk with others at your table about the collection of topic openers. Share your observations and ask them to do the same. Allow 4 minutes for participants to turn and talk about the topic openers. Then facilitate a whole-group discussion (3 min) about the following questions: How does each topic contribute to the overall instructional goal of the module? How are the Topic Openers useful as a planning tool for this module?

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X AGENDA Study of the Progression Document Examination of Module Overview Exploration of Selected Lessons Examination of Assessments Bringing the Module to Life Now that we are familiar with the flow of this module from reviewing the module overview and topic openers, let’s begin our examination of the lessons. .

Lesson Study Fluency Practice Application Problems Concept Development Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Lesson Study Fluency Practice Application Problems Concept Development Student Debrief Now that we’ve used the Topic Openers to gain more specific understanding of this module, let’s move on to examine some selected lessons from the module. For those of you may not be familiar with A Story of Units, I’d like to point out that most lessons are comprised of four components: Fluency Practice, Application Problem, Concept Development, and the Student Debrief. These components work together to achieve rigor and lead toward the culminating assessment.

Balanced, Rigorous Instruction Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Balanced, Rigorous Instruction All four lesson components provide opportunities to nurture the Standards of Mathematical Practice and are critical in maintaining the balance of rigor. Certainly educators will need to make instructional choices when implementing these lessons, but attention to each component is key.

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module 2 Lesson Study Lessons 2 and 17 Estimate products and quotients using knowledge of basic multiplication facts and place value patterns Lessons 7 and 11 Area diagrams, the distributive property, and partial products lay the foundation for the multiplication algorithm Lessons 23 and 26 Long division, decimals, and applications In an effort to provide a clear picture of how a student’s mathematical understanding will progress from the beginning to the end of this module, we are going to look at lessons in pairs. In each pair, one lesson will be our primary focus and the other lesson will be its complement, in order to better understand the parallels and patterns within Module 2.

Module 2 Lesson Study: Lessons 2 & 17 Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 16 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module 2 Lesson Study: Lessons 2 & 17 Estimate products and quotients using basic multiplication facts & place value patterns Lessons 2 and 17 are devoted to honing our students’ ability to take fluencies they’ve developed – their basic multiplication facts – and use these fluencies to take on the multiplication and division algorithms. We will take a quick look at Lesson 2, and then a closer look at Lesson 17. As you lead participants through components of these lessons, emphasize the following: Make note of any vocabulary, routines, or other ideas that are emphasized. What specifics are we unpacking here? What are we assuming students have mastered, and what aspects of the rounding and estimating process are we aiming to iron out here? What do you notice is the priority here? (Lesson 2) -- Emphasis on rounding to ANY REASONABLE ANSWER. -- Understanding of place value patterns is essential. -- Fluency with multiplication facts is essential. (Lesson 17) -- language: divisor and quotient -- the routine of rounding the divisor first, then estimating quotient -- knowing multiplication facts is essential to estimating quotient usefully -- using patterns of place value also essential In order to highlight debrief questions, assign specific problems on the problem set (worksheet) for participants to solve.

Lunchwork: Lunch Break Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute Lunch Break Lunchwork: Lesson 3 – Tape Diagrams & Numerical Expressions Module 2 Assessments We know that many of you want to get as much as possible out of these days. We selected the lessons we did in order to prioritize connectivity – between the lessons we are looking at and to the NBT progressions. Lesson 3 did not make the cut, but we thought you might appreciate the opportunity to look at, and we can discuss any questions during our last session this afternoon. We will look at the end-of-module assessment all together as part of our session this afternoon. If you want to get a preview or take a look at the mid-module assessment, please do. Enjoy lunch!

Module 2 Lesson Study: Lessons 7 & 11 Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 20 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module 2 Lesson Study: Lessons 7 & 11 Area diagrams, the distributive property, and partial products lay the foundation for the multiplication algorithm. Lessons 7 and 11 emphasize area diagrams, the distributive property and partial products as key elements in laying a solid foundation for our students’ understanding of the multiplication algorithm. We will take a close look at Lesson 7, where these concepts connect to the multiplication algorithm for whole numbers, and then a brief look at Lesson 11, which extends these concepts to decimals. As you lead participants through components of these lessons, emphasize the following: Make note of any vocabulary, routines, or other ideas that are emphasized. What specifics are we unpacking here? What do you notice is the priority here? What are we assuming our students have already mastered? What understandings and skills are students expected to have ready? In order to highlight debrief questions, assign specific problems on the problem set for participants to solve: Now please solve the specified problems in the problem set and read the debrief questions.

Module 2 Lesson Study: Lessons 23 & 26 Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 30 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module 2 Lesson Study: Lessons 23 & 26 Dividing whole numbers and decimals using the division algorithm with 2-digit divisors. Lesson 23 is potentially the most challenging concept 5th graders will tackle: division of 3- and 4-digit dividends by 2-digit divisors resulting in 2 and 3 digit quotients, and reasoning about the decomposition of successive remainders in each place value. Lesson 26 brings all of the students’ division skills together, including estimating quotients, reasoning about the placement of the decimal point, and making connections to a written method. Contextualizing division sentences using word problems allows students to make better sense of division as a real process. Lead participants through components of these lessons, emphasizing the following: What skills are addressed in the fluency practice? What concept is addressed in the application problem? How might these components prepare students for this lesson as well as Topic G? Take a moment to read this component and discuss with your neighbor. Make note of any vocabulary, routines, or other ideas that are emphasized. What specifics are we unpacking here? What do you notice is the priority here? What are we assuming our students have already mastered? What understandings and skills are students expected to have ready? In order to highlight debrief questions, assign specific problems on the problem set for participants to solve. Then facilitate a brief discussion of the debrief questions. Now please solve the specified problems in the problem set and read the debrief questions.

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 8 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: Biggest Takeaways How do these lessons compare to your past experiences with the teaching these concepts? What have you learned about the structure of the Module, the priorities of the lessons, and the development of mathematical knowledge? Turn and talk with a partner at your table about your biggest takeaways from this session. Take one minute to reflect on this session. What, for you, is the biggest takeaway? Jot down your thoughts. You will have time to share your thoughts in a moment. Give participants 3 minutes for silent, independent reflection. Turn and talk with a partner at your table about your reflections. Allow 3 minutes for participants to turn and talk about their reflections. Then, facilitate a discussion that leads into the key points on the next slide. (2 min)

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Key Points Knowledge of multiplication facts and understanding of place value patterns are indispensable in mastering multiplication and division. Visual tools such as the place value chart with disks, the area model, tape diagrams, and number bonds will support student understanding. The lessons are intentionally designed to progress from simple to complex (whole numbers to decimals) and concrete to abstract (visuals to algorithms). Let’s review key points from our examination of these lessons: Knowledge of multiplication facts and understanding of place value patterns are indispensable in mastering multiplication and division. Visual tools such as the place value chart with disks, the area model, tape diagrams, and number bonds will support student understanding. The lessons are intentionally designed to progress from simple to complex (whole numbers to decimals) and concrete to abstract (visuals to algorithms).

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X AGENDA Study of the Progression Document Examination of Module Overview Exploration of Selected Lessons Examination of Assessments Bringing the Module to Life Now that you know the focus of the module, let’s examine how students will be assessed on their mastery of these skills and concepts.

Grade 5 Module 2 Assessments Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Grade 5 Module 2 Assessments MID-MODULE ASSESSMENT Follows Topics A through D (15 lessons), which provide a sequential study of multiplication. END-MODULE ASSESSMENT Follows Topics E though H (14 lessons), which provide a sequential study of division. Module 2’s mid-module assessment follows topics A through D, covering 15 lessons, which provide a sequential study of multiplication. The end-module assessment follows topics E through H, covering 14 lessons, which provide a sequential study of division.

Grade 5 Module 2 Assessments Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 12 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Grade 5 Module 2 Assessments Complete the End of Module Assessment Label each problem with the standard(s) it addresses Refer to the Module 2 Overview for this Module’s focus standards. Be prepared to discuss how each assessment task addresses these standards. Turn to the first page of the end of module assessment. Consider each item and determine which standards are being addressed and how. You may decide to identify the standard(s) assessed first and then complete the assessment task, or you may choose to take the assessments and then go back to perform the standards alignment. You will have 12 minutes to become familiar with these assessments. Please work independently or quietly in pairs. If you finish the end-of-module assessment, you may continue with the mid-module assessment. Allow participants 12 minutes to complete this task (solve the problems and align each task to relevant standards).

Grade 5 Module 2 Assessments Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 5 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Grade 5 Module 2 Assessments How do these assessment tasks measure the skills and understandings addressed in Module 2? How will a strong understanding of these assessments prepare educators to implement the lessons in this module? Turn and talk with others at your table about your observations. Turn and talk with others at your table. Share your observations and ask them to do the same. Facilitate a discussion of the ways in which this assessment task measures the skills and understanding that are addressed in this module. Have participants identify the ways in which a strong understanding of the assessment prepares educators to implement the lessons in this module.

Module 2 Assessments: Rubrics Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 7 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module 2 Assessments: Rubrics Read each rubric carefully Score sample work according to the rubric Now that we are familiar with the problems themselves, and the specific content knowledge they are assessing, we are ready to look at some sample work. Allow 7 minutes for participants to score sample work.

Module Assessments: Reflection Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 4 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Module Assessments: Reflection Which questions do you anticipate will be the most challenging for your students? What concepts and skills would you emphasize during your instructional time in order to ensure your students’ success on these assessments? While everything is fresh on your mind, take a moment to make notes on your reflections from this portion of our session. What are your intentions for future planning? Allow 4 minutes for participants to make notes and discuss with their table.

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X AGENDA Study of the Progression Document Examination of Module Overview Exploration of Selected Lessons Examination of Assessments Bringing the Module to Life Now that we’ve examined all aspects of the module, let’s consider concerns regarding implementation and differentiation. For this discussion, we ask that you re-group yourselves so that you are sitting with colleagues who share similar roles. NOTE TO FACILITATOR: Assist the participants in regrouping within the room by professional role.

Implementation and Differentiation Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 7 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Implementation and Differentiation Now that you are sitting with others in the same role, Discuss your plans for implementation and your main differentiation needs with your colleagues. Identify foundational content areas that will require remediation this fall. Design a specific idea to support the success of your students and/or your colleagues as you implement this module. Please regroup according to your role. We’ll have principals over here, classroom teachers over here, math specialists & coaches … In our final 25 minutes together, we want to spend some focused time planning for implementation. With your group, discuss your plans for implementation. What concerns do you have? What are you most excited about? Allow 8 minutes for discussion and identification of challenges participants wish to address. As you identify which aspects of this module you anticipate to be most challenging – for your students and/or for your colleagues – you can begin to design specific solutions. You may choose to identify which sub-population of students or teachers is most on your mind. For what expectations of this module do you anticipate their being most unprepared. What would you do to better prepare them for success? Please use this time to create an actual product that you can take back with you and use. Examples include: A revised worksheet with minimal words and some pictures for your growing ELL population A plan for content knowledge PD workshops for teachers A specific lesson or set of lessons you’d like to practice with your colleagues Specific fluency exercises to address foundational content for Module 1. Allow 8 minutes for participants to collaboratively design their idea. Then facilitate participants sharing their ideas with the whole group for 4 minutes.

Biggest Takeaways / Next Steps Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 4 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Biggest Takeaways / Next Steps Take a minute to reflect on your biggest takeaway from this session. Turn and talk with a partner at your table. Take one minute to reflect on this session. What, for you, is the biggest takeaway? Jot down your thoughts. Then you will have time to share your thoughts. (Give participants 1 minute for silent, independent reflection.) (CLICK TO ADVANCE ANIMATION ON SLIDE.) Turn and talk with a partner at your table about your reflections. (Allow 2 minutes for participants to turn and talk about their reflections)

Module Focus July 2013 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 5 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Pulse Check Please go to http://www.engageny.org/resource/network-team-institute-materials-july-8-12-2013 and fill out the online plus-delta for the P-5 Math session. Thank You! Direct participants to the engageny website to submit their plus/delta. (5 minutes) EngageNY.org