Poster Presentations Katrina Tapia-Sealey Abstract The purpose of this presentation is to give you an idea of how to write a poster paper. The abstract should be the same as that of the project write up (maybe a little shorter) which should have been a short, concise summary of your project, ie. What you did, how you did it and what you found. Make sure that it is easy to read.
Introduction and Method The introduction should start with what you are doing, a little information on the background behind the project and then include the reasons why you are doing the research. You will probably find that in this section you will cite other people’s work. If you do, make sure you also include a “Reference” section. Method You will need a very concise summary of what you have done to make this short enough. Say what equipment you used (if you used any) and describe your procedures.
Results Here you will present your results and show figures, graphs or tables that are relevant to your results. As the old saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Do make sure that any figure, table or graph is properly labelled. For a graph make sure it has a heading and axes labelled appropriately. Figure 1. This should be relevant to your results. Figure 2. This should also be relevant. Hopefully it will be the grade your receive!
Conclusion References Here you present your results, make any important further work suggestions or say where you will be taking the research next. If you need to include references do so after you finish the conclusion section. You might summarise the conclusions in point form to make it easier to read. conclusion 1 conclusion 2 conclusion 3 References