Romanesque Architecture and Sculptural Programs key ideas: Latin cross plan coherence of design: unity and symmetry heavy, thick walls and small windows the use of a Roman vault—inherently limited; the barrel vault creates tremendous thrust at the springing point creates a wonderful “stage” for the miracle of the Eucharist—the presence of God—God made incarnate again large, ordered space which contrasted strongly with the chaos and uncertainty outside the church walls use of sculptural programs to educate and engage the viewer nave arcade Autun Cathedral Cathedral of Saint-Lazare Burgundy, France 12th century
Roman barrel vault in order to support a heavy roof—one that is very wide--the walls of the nave would have to be very, very thick
floor plan Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Spain 1075-1211
floor plan Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy early 12th century
floor plan Autun Cathedral early 12th century
floor plan La Madeleine at Vezelay early 12th century
nave La Madeleine at Vezelay early 12th century
nave Autun Cathedral early 12th century
nave arcade Autun Cathedral early 12th century
Last Judgment main portal (west end) Autun Cathedral early 12th century
Last Judgment, tympanum Autun Cathedral
detail Last Judgment main portal (west end) Autun Cathedral early 12th century
detail Last Judgment main portal (west end) Autun Cathedral early 12th century
Dream of the Magi Autun Cathedral early 12th century
Eve Autun Cathedral early 12th century
Suicide of Judas, capital early 12th century
Flight into Egypt Autun Cathedral early 12th century
South Portal Church of Saint-Pierre, Moissac early 12th century
tympanum, South Portal Christ and Four Evangelists or Apocalypse Church of Saint-Pierre, Moissac early 12th century
St. Jeremiah trumeau Church of Saint-Pierre, Moissac early 12th century
St. Jeremiah trumeau Church of Saint-Pierre, Moissac early 12th century “the weeping prophet”
St. Jeremiah trumeau Church of Saint-Pierre, Moissac early 12th century
tympanum, Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy, Conques early 12th century
Christ in Judgment detail of tympanum Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy, Conques early 12th century
Christ in Judgment detail of tympanum Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy, Conques early 12th century
Christ in Judgment detail of tympanum Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy, Conques early 12th century