SkillCert Consultancy Pvt Ltd Sales Excellence SkillCert Consultancy Pvt Ltd
Sales Excellence Good sales professional has both hard skills & soft skills in his arsenal That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well. Sales excellence program helps to build sales ' hard skill' & 'soft skill' to the sales team. Key Objectives- Retaining market leadership Predictable sales growth Differentiations – Product & Processes Improving self efficacy of the sales teams Pillars for intervention- 35 sales hard skills + 35 sales soft skills ROI values & outcomes Sales leadership Sales decision enablement using emotional intelligence Improved Sales congruence Improve sales people management skills Improved customer loyalty, strong network & relationships. Target Audience - Sales Head, Sales Professionals, Entrepreneurs Conduct – Assessment + Training ( 2 days) SKILLCERT CONSULTANCY PVT LTD +91 90045 38732 +91 22 2652 5550 14, Pratiksha Towers, Plot 55, Sector 15, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai- 400 709.