Welcome to the 2018-2019 KINDERGARTEN School Year Back to School Night Title 1 School Welcome to the 2018-2019 KINDERGARTEN School Year Back to School Night
10+ Dojo Points weekly= Treasure Box Classroom Management Dojo Points 10+ Dojo Points weekly= Treasure Box No news is good news! Some incentives in the class are: treasure box, being able to have a class job, sitting on the bouncy balls, and taking home our class pet
CLASS SCHEDULE Doors open at 7:55 Students should be in the classroom by 8:15 (8:16 they are tardy) 8:15-8:30 Morning Bins /Journal 8:30-9:00 Writers Workshop 9:00-10:30 Reading and Language arts 11:00-11:30 Finish Reading/LA Centers 11:30-12:30 Science/Social Studies 12:30-1:00 Recess/PE 1:00-2:00 Math Spanish is on Mondays 45 min Art/Music on Thursdays 45 min *Bathroom breaks
CURRICULUM/GRADING For Reading/Language Arts we use Superkids: How it works Weekly Reading Grades: Reading letters and sightwords in sentences Comprehension Unit Progress Test Weekly LA Grades: Writing Letter formation/Grammar Phonics/Spelling Weekly Math Grades: GO MATH CURRICULUM Check for Understanding Mid-Chapter/Chapter Tests E (4 points) G (3 points) S (2 points) M (1 points) U (0 points) 100 % -90 % 89-80 79-70 69-60 59-0 Social Studies: Little Thinkers Kindergarten Curriculum Weekly Activities/Unit test Projects Science: STEM Weekly Evaluations Weekly Labs (not all will be graded)
HOMELEARNING Home-learning is a reinforcement of what is being learned in class. Try not to go ahead a day. Allow your child to complete it independently and review with your child. Please let me know if you feel your child is struggling with home-learning. Home-learning is kept track of and students who turn is HL weekly will receive incentives. **Focus of the Week**
JEAN DAYS Every Friday $2 on Friday Regular blue jeans only Pants or bermuda, NO SHORT SHORTS Any sneakers Spirit Shirts First Wednesday of every month Wear Red for Neurofibromatosis (NF) Research First Friday of the month College Day
MONEY COLLECTION No money taken in front office Deadlines strictly enforced Money is due to teachers by 8:15 AM No money will be taken afterschool. Money should be placed inside of zipper pouch in child’s B.E.E. Book Always send exact change. Different payments may not be combined with each other. Everything goes to different accounts.
GRADE LEVEL PARENT EXPENSES Activity Month Cost Little Farm October $15 Seat Sacks $10 Zoo Miami December In House field trip May Yearbook $30 Graduation $25 Estimated Total: $105 This does not include fundraisers such as dances, holiday grams, Thanksgiving Feast, Music Shows, pictures, etc.
VOLUNTEER HOURS 30 volunteer hours per FAMILY Option: $150 year or $5/hour Donations: please keep receipts and turn them into your child’s homeroom teacher 1st 15 hours January 2nd 15 hours due April Ways to Volunteer Monthly Parent Meetings Field Trips (Must be cleared) Hispanic Festival (food) Harvest Festival Trunk or Treat (candy) Wish Lists Classroom Events Volunteer log will be kept in the classroom
Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) STATE ASSESSMENTS K-2 SAT April Reading and Math 3-5 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) 3-5th Reading and Math 4th and 5th Writing 5th FCAT Science
Thank you for coming! Comments Questions Concerns