Overview of the Department of Transportation’s Innovative Financing Solutions Good morning and thank you for welcoming me to the Northeast Texas Transportation Summit, I am part of the Outreach and Development team with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Build America Bureau For those of you that are not familiar with who we are, we were established by the Secretary of Transportation on July 20, 2016, in accordance with the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The Bureau combines the TIFIA and RRIF credit programs, Private Activity Bonds (PABs), and eventually the INFRA and BUILD grant programs all under one roof within the Office of the Undersecretary for Transportation for Policy. 2018 Northeast Texas Transportation Summit 1
Session Objectives Railroad Rehabilitation & Improvement Financing (RRIF) Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) TIFIA Rural Projects Initiative (RPI) Private Activity Bonds (PABs) BUILD Grants INFRA Grants In this session, we may not need the full hour allocated, but I would like to briefly discuss our grant and credit programs BUILD formerly known as TIGER grants INFRA formerly known as FASTlane grants RRIF TIFIA and a new initiative that we’ve just launched under TIFIA called the Rural Projects Initiative (RPI)
About RRIF The Railroad Rehabilitation & Improvement Financing (RRIF) program was established by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) and amended by the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: a Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) to provide direct loans and loan guarantees totaling up to $35 billion to finance development of railroad infrastructure.
Interest rate on 10/31/2018 was 3.39% for a 30-year loan RRIF Program Benefits Long term, fixed interest, permanent, up-front financing Funds are drawn as needed Flexible amortization No pre-payment penalty Uses Treasury Rate Current interest rate would depend on the term of the loan Rates available at treasury.gov website Low Interest Rate - Interest rate on 10/31/2018 was 3.39% for a 30-year loan Update interest rate
RRIF Major Requirements No minimum project size requirements (we’ve closed RRIF loans from $55,000 to $2.5 billion) Can finance up to 100% of reasonably anticipated eligible project costs Borrower pays Credit Risk Premium Borrower can often reduce costs by offering collateral Terms can extend up to 35 years from substantial completion Must comply with Federal requirements (NEPA, Buy America, etc.) Project must have a dedicated revenue source, such as tolls or other user fees, that are pledged to secure debt service payments for RRIF financing
RRIF Eligible Borrowers and Projects Railroads State and Local Govs Government sponsored authorities and corporations Interstate compacts (410(a)) Amtrak Reform and Acc. Act of 1997 Limited option freight shippers Joint Ventures Design/planning Freight Rail Facilities Freight Transfer Facilities FRA-Regulated Commuter Rail Facilities Passenger Rail Vehicles and Equipment Transit-Oriented Development “Intermodal” or Rail Equipment or Facilities Refinance of above NO OPERATIONS!
RRIF Portfolio Statistics Since program inception, RRIF has approved 37 loans to finance $5.36 billion towards infrastructure investments in 27 states.
About TIFIA The Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 1998 (TIFIA) established a Federal credit program under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) for eligible transportation projects. Leverage limited Federal resources and stimulate capital market investment Facilitate projects with significant public benefits Encourage new revenue streams and private participation Fill capital market gaps for secondary/subordinate capital Be a flexible, “patient” investor willing to take on investor concerns about investment horizon, liquidity, predictability and risk Limit Federal exposure by relying on market discipline
Interest rate on 10/31/2018 was 3.39% for a 35-year loan TIFIA Major Benefits Low Interest Rate - Interest rate on 10/31/2018 was 3.39% for a 35-year loan Long term, fixed cost, permanent financing Longer repayment periods Up to 35 years Deferred for 5 years following substantial completion No prepayment penalty Can be highly customized to meet borrower needs Low interest rates
TIFIA Major Requirements Minimum Anticipated Project Costs $10 million for Local and Rural Projects $15 million for Intelligent Transportation Projects $50 million for all other eligible Surface Transportation Projects Limited to 33% of reasonably anticipated eligible project costs (unless the sponsor provides a compelling justification for up to 49% or Rural Projects Initiative) Investment Grade Rating Senior debt must receive two investment grade ratings (BBB-/Baa3) from nationally recognized credit rating agencies Only one investment grade rating is required from projects totaling $75 million or less Dedicated Repayment Source Pledged to secure both the TIFIA and senior debt financing Comply with Federal requirements Including but not limited to NEPA, Buy America, Titles 23 and 49
Eligible TIFIA Borrowers and Projects ELIGIBLE BORROWERS State Governments Local Governments State Infrastructure Banks Private Firms Special Authorities Transportation Improvement Districts ELIGIBLE PROJECTS Highways and Bridges Intelligent Transportation Systems Intermodal Connectors Transit Vehicles and Facilities Intercity Buses and Facilities Freight Transfer Facilities Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure Networks Transit-Oriented Development Rural Infrastructure Projects Passenger Rail Vehicles and Facilities Surface Transportation Elements of Port Projects NO OPERATIONS!
TIFIA Portfolio Statistics Since program inception, TIFIA has approved 80 loans totaling over $30 billion to stimulate over $108 billion of transportation infrastructure investments in 22 states (plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico).
Rural Projects Initiative Rural project definition: Project located in an area that is outside of an urbanized area with a population less than 150,000 individuals Project size: Total eligible project cost of $10 -75 million Loan size: TIFIA can finance up to 49% of eligible project costs (traditionally TIFIA has financed up to 33%) Loan term: Up to 35 years with potential for deferred repayment (up to five years after substantial completion Interest rate: Fixed rate of ½ Treasury rate; on 10/31/18, 35-year rural rate was 1.7% DOT’s advisory fees: Borrower fees may be covered by DOT I would like to talk to you today about a new initiative we have at DOT. It is aimed at helping improve transportation infrastructure in America’s rural communities. Rural communities frequently find it challenging to identify the financial resources required to fund critical infrastructure projects, which are key to improving the economy and the quality of life of all Americans. Without adequate roads, bridges, tunnels, freight and transit systems, we can’t access medical support, get to school and work, or even the grocery store – transportation is key to our livelihoods. For example, according to the Federal Highway Administration, roughly 40 percent of county roads are inadequate for current travel, and 38,000 rural bridges longer than 20 feet are structurally deficient. The Department of Transportation’s Build America Bureau provides loans -in support of a variety of transportation projects across the Nation. However, they have primarily been tailored to larger projects , which typically help urbanized, metropolitan areas. Now, the Rural Project Initiative places an emphasis on rural America’s transportation needs and offers some significant benefits and savings to rural sponsors. Under this initiative, if you are in a qualified rural area and have an eligible surface transportation project between $10 million and $75 million in cost, we can offer some significant savings. For example; We can offer a fixed rate loan for 35 years or longer We can pay for all the application fees, which often amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The funds set aside for this purpose are limited and we can only do this while they last. We can loan up to 49 percent of the project’s eligible costs. We can charge a below market interest rate, which is equal to one half of the treasury rate at the time of closing. For example, a loan closed in early September, 2018 would have had an interest rate of slightly over 1 ½ percent. Eligible projects include: Roads, bridges and tunnels, Transit systems such as buses and passenger rail vehicles and facilities, including bus and train station improvements, Intermodal connectors, Pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, Freight transfer facilities, Sea and inland waterway ports, and even, Airports - under certain circumstances. It is important to note that Federal funding or financing triggers certain requirements that can add to the time required and increase project costs over non-Federally funded projects. The Build America Bureau staff can help sponsors understand and navigate these requirements.
Rural Projects Initiative Rural project definition: Project located in an area that is outside of an urbanized area with a population greater than 150,000 individuals Project size: Total eligible project cost of $10-75 million Loan size: TIFIA can finance up to 49% of eligible project costs Loan term: Up to 35 years with potential for deferred repayment (up to five years after substantial completion Interest rate: Fixed rate of ½ Treasury rate; on 10/31/18, 35-year rural rate was 1.7% DOT’s advisory fees: Borrower fees may be covered by DOT Eligible projects: Airport projects must be eligible as TOD/public infrastructure projects or surface transportation projects that are eligible under Title 23 (Highways) or Title 49 (Transit)
Private Activity Bonds The Secretary of Transportation is authorized to allocate $15 billion in Private Activity Bonds (PABs) for qualified highway or surface freight transfer facilities. State or local government issues tax-exempt bonds on behalf of a private entity Private entity/developer responsible for all PABs debt service To date, over $11 billion of PABs have issued or allocated Over $8.3 billion of PABs issued for 23 projects Additional nearly $2.7 billion of PABs allocated for five projects Can be used in alone or in combination with TIFIA or RRIF Passage of the private activity bond legislation reflects the Federal Government's desire to increase private sector investment in U.S. transportation infrastructure. Providing private developers and operators with access to tax-exempt interest rates lowers the cost of capital significantly, enhancing investment prospects. Increasing the involvement of private investors in highway and freight projects generates new sources of money, ideas, and efficiency The term “qualified highway or surface freight transfer facilities” means— (A)any surface transportation project which receives Federal assistance under title 23, United States Code (as in effect on the date of the enactment of this subsection), (B)any project for an international bridge or tunnel for which an international entity authorized under Federal or State law is responsible and which receives Federal assistance under title 23, United States Code (as so in effect), or (C)any facility for the transfer of freight from truck to rail or rail to truck (including any temporary storage facilities directly related to such transfers) which receives Federal assistance under either title 23 or title 49, United States Code (as so in effect). The law limits the total amount of such bonds to $15 billion and directs the Secretary of Transportation to allocate this amount among qualified facilities. DOT accepts applications on a rolling basis. The PABs team reviews the application, and can ask for additional information or clarification if appropriate. Applications are ultimately brought before the Council on Credit and Finance for a recommendation to the Under Secretary.
BUILD Grants Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development Transportation Discretionary Grants Program $1.5 billion multimodal, merit-based discretionary grant program, BUILD funding can support roads, bridges, transit, rail, ports or intermodal transportation. Modal and geographic equity requirements DOT intends to award a greater share of grants to projects in rural areas than in urban areas $25 million max to a single project, $150 million maximum to a single state The Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development, our BUILD grant program, replaced the pre-existing TIGER grants program. BUILD is a discretionary grant program that provides investments in surface transportation infrastructure Grants are provided on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant local or regional impact The application period for the most recent BUILD Notification of Funding Opportunity closed at 8pm on July 19, 2018. For this round of BUILD, $1.5 billion is available for investment in surface transportation projects. Of that, no more than $25 million can be awarded for a single project, and no more than $150 million can be awarded to a single state BUILD transportation funds may cover up to 80 percent of project costs in urban areas and 100 percent of project costs in rural areas We are in the process of reviewing the applications that were submitted and have a congressional deadline to get BUILD awards out by the end of this year The next round of BUILD needs to be authorized as part of the FY 19 appropriations process before the Department can determine the timeframe of the next BUILD Notice Of Funding Opportunity
Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Discretionary grant program authorized under the FAST Act through 2020 - previously known as FASTLANE INFRA program for highway, bridge, freight and intermodal projects, as well as railway-highway grade crossings. Leveraging increased investment by state, local, and private partners. At least 25% of funding reserved for rural projects (>200,000 pop.) Providing project sponsors maximum flexibility to propose innovative solutions to address specific, local needs. Next INFRA – expecting the next NOFO announced this Fall Fiscal year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Authorization $800 M $ 850 M $ 900 M $ 950 M $1.00 B The Department received 234 applications for $1.5 billion in FY17- FY18 INFRA funding. Collectively, those applications were requesting nearly $12.3 billion. 26 projects were selected to receive an award The INFRA program reserves 90% funding per fiscal year for large projects with costs in excess of $100 million. 20 large projects (out of 116 applications) were selected to receive approximately $1.45 billion The INFRA program reserves 10% of funding per fiscal year for small projects with costs below $100 million. Only 6 projects were selected (out of 118 applications) to receive approximately $82.5 million, a less than 5% selection rate. (For this reason, Small projects should strongly consider applying for BUILD funding (deadline Thursday July 19), which, while there will be many more applications, will also has nearly 18 times the amount of funding available.) Next INFRA rounds: The Department has 2 more years of authorized funding for the INFRA program, FY 19 and FY 20, which are authorized at $950 million and $1 billion respectively. The Department anticipates publishing the next NOFO sometime later this Fall