Mrs. Ewing- 4th grade- Room 401 Welcome to Our Class! Mrs. Ewing- 4th grade- Room 401 My email Our Class
Our Schedule 9:05-9:30 Arrival 9:30-10:15 Resource 10:15-11:30 Math 11:36-12:01 Lunch 12:05-12:15 Word Study 12:15-12:45 Writing 12:45-1:15 Recess 1:15-1:45 Shared Reading 1:45-2:45 Guided Reading 2:45-3:45 Science/SS Our Schedule
Resource Monday- P.E. (Mr. Cotman) Tuesday- Chinese (Ms. Sun) Wednesday- Art (Ms. McDermott) Thursday- Library (Ms. Thompson) Friday- Music (Ms. Ognibene)
Homework Students will have to: Read for at least 20 minutes per night Study VA Studies or science notes every night Study math notes every night (starting this week) Study word study words (quiz each week) Complete a reading project each nine-week period I will assign worksheet-type homework on an as-needed basis (for the whole class or individual students). Math practice worksheets will be posted on the class website.
Studying By 4th grade, students should begin to develop some independent study skills. Have them think about how they learn and remember information the best. Re-reading notes? Re-writing important facts? Making flashcards? Drawing and labeling diagrams? Check up on their studying. Quiz them on the material to see if they know it. There is a lot of information to remember, especially in VA studies, and studying well is so important.
Reading project Each nine-week period, students will have to read 3 books on their reading level: 1 fiction, 1 non-fiction, and 1 in a specific genre (1st- poetry, 2nd- mystery, 3rd- Newbery Award winner, 4th-biography) They will complete a worksheet on each book to demonstrate comprehension and turn in a project (from a list of choices) on one of the books.
Behavior Show Kindness Make Good Choices Act Responsibly School and classroom rules: Show Kindness Make Good Choices Act Responsibly Respect Self and Others Try Your Best Students have a SMART card in their binder. They will start with 100 points each nine weeks and if they are not demonstrating one of these characteristics, they will lose points. They are working toward attending the grade-level SMART card party each nine-weeks.
Grades Graded papers will be sent home weekly and grades will be uploaded to ParentVUE at least bi-weekly. If you did not have access to ParentVUE last year, let me know and I’ll get you an access code. Students will not receive interims. Report cards will be sent home on Nov. 17th, Feb. 16th, April 27th and June 15th. Formative grades (worksheets, quizzes, labs, etc.) are weighted 35% and summative grades (tests, projects) are weighted 65%.
notes Any note that will be sent to the office or clinic (early dismissal, change in transportation, doctor’s note, excuse for absence, etc.) must include: Your child’s first and last name, The date (and date of absence in note, if applicable), Teacher’s name Parent’s name/signature on it.
Field trips/Special Programs Jamestown trip- October 24th (arrive at school early) Veteran’s Day program- November 10th, 10am-12pm State Capitol trip- March 23rd (5 classes) & March 29th (4 classes) Pamplin Park trip- April 10th Young Science (at school)- December 6th/7th and June 6th/7th History Lives program- June 11th-13th
Snack The students can have a water bottle in the classroom (water only, please). They will have the opportunity to eat a snack in the afternoon. Please make sure this is a “dry” snack that can be picked up or vacuumed up if spilled (because of the carpet). Food containing nuts may be eaten in the cafeteria only.
Technology We have more access to Chromebooks this year. The students will be using Google Classroom, Google Docs, and Google Slides, Britannica School, PowerSchool and Plickers regularly. I am also excited to try Kahoot and Nearpod in my classroom this year after learning about these programs over the summer.
4th grade math/4th grade Accelerated Math I teach 4th grade accelerated math. My class is teamed up with Mrs. McComb, Mrs. McDaniel and Mrs. Nunn, who teach 4th grade math. 4A math is all of 4th grade math and half of 5th grade math. Students will take the regular 4th grade SOL. In 5th grade, 5A math is the other half of 5th grade math and all of 6th grade math. Students will take the 6th grade SOL.
Room parents/Volunteers Our room parents this year will be Erin Clippinger and Kris Perko. We love all volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering at the school or chaperoning a field trip, we need to have a volunteer form on file for you. If you are new to the school, please allow extra time to get your ID scanned into the system the first time you sign in. Thank you!