Transition P7- S1 Modern languages are an entitlement for all (P1-S3) as part of the BGE, within the languages curriculum area. Modern Languages 1+2 Maryse.


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Presentation transcript:

Transition P7- S1 Modern languages are an entitlement for all (P1-S3) as part of the BGE, within the languages curriculum area. Modern Languages 1+2 Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

1+2 premises https://education. gov Children will experience learning another language from primary 1 to the end of the broad general education in secondary school. This language is referred to as Language 2 (L2). Language 1 (L1) is the language spoken at home. The L2 will be one from the list of languages available at National Qualification level in secondary school, and will be decided by the primary and its associated secondary school staff. The languages available are: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Gaelic (for learners), Urdu, Mandarin or Cantonese. The choice of language offered depends on both the primary and the secondary schools’ capacity to deliver these languages. From primary 5 onwards (or from an earlier stage in some schools), children will learn a second additional language (L3), as well as continuing to learn their L2. Leraners will continue with their L2 studies into secondary school, and will also have the opportunity to learn another L3 within their broad general education. This may lead to (...)taking National Qualifications in languages in senior phase. Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

Transition: Not a new idea https://education. gov The Working Group recommends that primary and secondary schools work effectively together to ensure articulation between the sectors in terms of content, skills and approaches to learning and to enable effective transition, progression and continuity between P7 and S1, particularly for the L2 language Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

Effective transition links between the primary and secondary sectors are key to building on language learning which has taken place at the primary stages. This is particularly important for the language children will continue to study at S1. In most cases, this will be L2, the language studied from P1. Where continuity of L3 into the secondary school is possible, it offers additional progression in language learning. For strategic purpose GCC’s focus at this stage is on L2 across sectors Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

Working together The Working Group recommends that local authorities should provide regular opportunities for primary and secondary languages staff to work together and to undertake shared CPD opportunities. This recommendation also echoes best practice in transition for all subject areas. Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

Value& Recognition Enabling learners to achieve their full potential means implementing a smooth, progressive transition from P7 to S1 which consolidate and build on prior knowledge without unnecessarily repeating content. The Focus should be on skills with a variety of contexts being used to enable revisiting prior learning in a motivating, progressive way. Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

Trust & Understanding To facilitate 1+2 ML transition it is proposed to define a language base line achievable by most by the end of primary seven. This would be used as a starting point on which to build S1 curriculum. Taking into consideration PLL training parameters it is important to remember the base line will not be set beyond second level. However this base line doesn’t represent a glass ceiling either. Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

give a short presentation about themselves Existing guidelines: By the end of primary 7 pupils should be able to: give a short presentation about themselves take part in simple conversations and transactions understand classroom instructions and personal information enjoy listening to a story, song or poem read aloud a simple text read and understand a short text write a few sentences about themselves and others script a simple conversation or transaction Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

Concretely transition project A project for P7 third term to recap, consolidate and apply prior knowledge Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

Specifics: first, second & third pronoun singular+ plural as extension in primary * Content will vary according to L2 taught Personal details (self & others) Family / pets (to have + negative ) Physical description (To have + hair / eyes colour / To be + adjectives as extension) Likes and dislikes (+ nouns/ verb extension, including negative ) Basic bilingual dictionary skills Daily routine vocab / classroom management- imbedded Some cultural awareness Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

Specifics: Fill the gap, full verbs in S1 Specifics: Fill the gap, full verbs in S1. Consolidate & expand + new contexts Build on daily routine vocab / classroom management- imbedded from start Personal details / Physical description: new teachers / best friend (Être focus) Use new school map to introduce prepositions + school subjects Likes and dislikes : + school subjects Time table: Introduce time / revise numbers Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

Flexibility The details of the transition project are to be reviewed and finalised at learning community meetings to allow it to suit the needs of each LC. In the spirit of CfE the contexts for the Transition project are non-prescriptive E& O’s mentioned are contextual and mainly for information purpose ; there is no need to hit on each one of them each lesson Bench marks are included to inform judgement on gauging impact on learners, not to be used as tick list or singled out. They reflect and exemplify the learners’ progression along their ML journey. They do not need to be individually justified though clear assessment tools must be identified to routinely confirm and evidence overall competence attained by pupils. Secondary L&T notes intentionally not as prescriptive for obvious reasons. Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

HMIE Quote: (JPCassidy) Main focus for BGE S1: “Hit the ground running”, basics can be revisited but briefly, in different context, not all at once at beginning of S1 but as and when needed throughout BGE. In context, relevant to communicative needs, purposeful. Hopefully transition planner can help us to do that and to generate professional respect & trust… respect for prior learning, trust that it has been covered, trust that S1 curriculum will reflect that prior learning, respect that you will need to ensure P7 all achieve base line ( increase “informal” reporting directly between practitioners across sectors, at LC’s 1+2 meetings.). Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC

FAQ 17: How do we plan for progression when a significant number of pupils come from outwith catchment and have a different L2 to the rest of the cohort? A: Larger modern languages departments may well be able to provide more than one L2 from S1 onwards, which may allow for learners to continue with the L2 they bring with them from their non-catchment primary school. It might also be the case that the secondary school can liaise with the primary schools whose pupils come from outwith catchment and agree on an L3 approach which would allow those pupils continue with a language they had already experienced at primary school on entry into S1. Ultimately, however, the modern languages department is obliged to continue the L2 agreed across the cluster. If this is different from the L2 a young person was learning at a primary school outwith the cluster, the young person would have to learn the L2 ‘ab initio’ on entry into secondary school. That’s to help you answer the UNAVOIDABLE question… ;) Maryse P-Roy ML Development officer GCC