Galaxies Astrobiology and Cosmology Practice Test
RQ #1 What is the relationship between the nucleus of a spiral galaxy and the spiral arms?
RQA#1 The larger the nucleus the tighter the spiral arms are to the nucleus
RQ#2 In irregular galaxies there are areas of red and blue stars. What does this observation mean about the stars in an irregular galaxy?
RQA#2 The stars formed at different times and are different ages
RQ#3 What will the classification of an almost perfect circular galaxy be according to the Hubble Tuning Fork classification model?
RQA#3 E0
RQ#4 If 2 galaxies like the Milky Way and Andromeda collide what will be the result?
RQA#4 The galaxies would merge into a larger galaxy
RQ#5 Where is the Earth located in the universe?
RQA#5 In the Milky Way galaxy
RQ#6 What is the common method of looking for an exoplanet?
RQA#6 By observing the changes in the light from the central stars
RQ#7 The habitable zone is the region where an exoplanet can support life. As a result of being in the habitable zone what would be thought to be a characteristic of the planet located there?
RQA#7 Water in liquid form
RQ#8 In looking for signs of life on an exoplanet, what do astronomers look for?
RQA#8 Spectral lines from the atmospheres if exoplanets that may contain oxygen, water, or carbon dioxide
RQ#9 In our own solar system where would the best candidates be for possible locations for life?
RQA#9 Enceledus, Europa, and Mars because of the possibly of water
RQ#10 True or False? Astronomers have confirmed life on other planets.
RQA#10 False
RQ#11 List 2 pieces of evidence of the Big Bang?
RQA#11 Galaxies are moving away from each other Cosmic background radiation is in all directions A large percentage of the universe is hydrogen and helium
RQ#12 List 3 reasons why the Steady State Theory was abandoned.
RQA#12 The universe is expanding and changing Background radiation is seen in all directions that can not be explained by a static universe No new material is seen appearing in the universe to maintain a constant density
RQ#13 What is true about scientific theories?
RQA#13 Scientific theories are broad explanations for several well-tested observations
RQ#14 What is dark matter?
RQA#14 We do not know what dark matter is.
RQ#15 How do we know that dark matter exists?
RQA#15 By rotation rates of stars in a galaxy
RQ#16 What does Hubble Law state?
RQA#16 The universe is expanding The universe had a beginning The universe was once more dense that it is now
RQ#17 True or False? The Milky Way is the center of the universe.
RQA#17 False
RQ#18 Where did the Big Bang occur?
RQA#18 Everywhere-all around
RQ#19 The balloon model is a good analogy for what astrological theory?
RQA#19 The expanding universe
RQ#20 In the most recent investigation of a Type 1A supernova what have astronomers found out about the universe?
RQA#20 The universe will expand forever
RQ#21 What does the dark energy in the universe cause?
RQA#21 Acceleration of the expansion of the universe
RQ#22 According to Hubble’s Law, what is the velocity of a receding galaxy that is 500Mpc away?
RQA#22 V = Hd; H = 70km/s/Mpc (Hubble’s Constant) 500Mpc x 70 km/s/Mpc = 35,000 Km/sec
RQ#23 Where is the center of the universe?
RQA#23 Near Sgr A (Sagittarius A)
RQ#24 According to Hubble’s Law quasars that show red-shift and extremely high velocities indicate that the quasars are what?
RQA#24 The quasar is far away from us.
RQ#25 Why is the 21 cm emission line useful when studying the Milky Way galaxy?
RQA#25 The 21 cm radiation is not affected by interstellar dust
RQ#26 A bluish color of a nebula around the Pleiades is produced from what?
RQA#26 Starlight is reflected by interstellar grains
RQ#27 What causes a reflection nebula?
RQA#27 Dust particles
RQ#28 Why can we not see to the other side of our galaxy?
RQA#28 Interstellar dust
RQ#29 How many stars are there in the Milky Way galaxy?
RQA#29 100 to 200 billion
RQ#30 What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?
RQA#30 Spiral galaxy
RQ#31 What object do astronomers believe is at the center of the Milky Way?
RQA#31 Black Hole
RQ#32 In the following diagram which letter represents the location of Earth? A C B D
RQA#32 B
RQ#33 In the following diagram which letter represents the location of the globular clusters? A C B D
RQA#33 A
RQ#34 In the following diagram which letter represents the location of the Sun? A C B D
RQA#34 B
RQ#35 In the following diagram which letter represents the location of the galactic disk? A C B D
RQA#35 D
RQ#36 In the following diagram which letter represents the location of the galactic nucleus? A C B D
RQA#36 C
RQ#37 In a spiral galaxy, in what region are young stars forming and where do they exist?
RQA#37 Spiral Arms
RQ#38 Because elliptical galaxies contain redder stars and less dust this translates to describing the age of the galaxy as what?
RQA#38 Elliptical galaxies are relatively old galaxies
RQ#39 What classification system are used to classify galaxies?
RQA#39 Hubble classification by shape
RQ#40 What is cosmology?
RQA#40 How the universe was created and its present and future structures
RQ#41 List 3 things about the cosmic background radiation that is received on Earth.
RQA#41 Uniform in all directions Indicate temperatures of 2.7 Kelvin Indicate left over radiation from the Big Bang
RQ#42 What type of EM light received from galaxies indicate that the universe is expanding?
RQA#42 Red-shifted light
RQ#43 What type of galaxy is the picture showing?
RQA#43 Elliptical
RQ#44 What type of galaxy is the picture showing?
RQA#44 Spiral
RQ#45 What type of galaxy is the picture showing?
RQA#45 Irregular
RQ#46 What type of galaxy is the picture showing?
RQA#46 Barred Spiral
RQ#47 How would the universe be described in the first microseconds after the Big Bang?
RQA#47 A hot soup of particles and energy
RQ#48 Look at the Hubble Law graph. What is the velocity of a galaxy that is located 120Mpc from the Earth?
RQA#48 ~ 8500 km/s