More urologists are needed During 2016, there were 12,186 urologists in the US, 10,954 of whom were actively practicing (working 25+ clinical hours per week). The three top areas for further specialization are oncology, pediatrics and endourology/stone disease. Almost 59% of practicing urologists are in private practice, including solo, specialty urology practices and multi-specialty groups. The urologist-to- population ratio increased to 3.77 during 2016 from 3.72 (2015) and 3.70 (2014). Urology practices tend to cluster geographically. Of the 3,144 US counties, only 1,149, or 36.5%, have one or more urologists. Of those counties with urologists, 310 counties, or 27%, only have one urologist. Almost all, 89.9%, are in metropolitan areas.
Inside the Urology Practice Urologists between the ages of 55 and 64 are most likely to be in private practice, and those younger than 45 are least likely. Female urologists are more likely to work in academic medical centers than male urologists, at 35.9% and 24.6%, respectively. Approximately 82% of practicing urologists perform inpatient surgical procedures. Almost 11% of urologists have sole practices and 32% are practice partners. More than a third, 34.3%, work 61 or more hours per week, with a median of 56 hours per week. Urologists between the ages of 45 and 64 are less likely to be employed by others than other age groups, but female urologists are more likely to be employed by others than males. Female urologists work 4 more hours per week on average than male urologists.
Patient and treatment types Urologists see 70 patients per week (median). More than half, or 54.4%, see 26 to 50 female patients per week, and 38.8% see fewer than 25 female patients per week. The most common reason female patients visit a urologist is incontinence, and women comprise approximately 80% of the 13 to 19 million Americans with this issue. Women are also more likely than men to contract urinary tract infections. Male patients are commonly treated for sexual dysfunction, male infertility, prostate issues, urinary tract cancers and kidney stones.
Most Likely and Least Likely to Suffer from Professional Burnout During 2016, 16.5% of urologists reported high emotional exhaustion; 15.3%, moderate; and 68.3%, low. Burnout was less for those in non- metropolitan areas, sole practitioners, in academic medical centers and specializing in pediatric or oncology. Most urologists are Caucasian American, 81.2%; followed by Asian-American, 11.4%; African- American, 1.3%; and mixed or other races, 0.6%. African-American urologists are the least likely have burnout, and mixed/other race urologists are the most likely. Urologists in the Mid-Atlantic are the most likely to have burnout, 43%; followed by North Central, 40.6%; and New England, 38.6%. The most cited reasons for burnout are too many bureaucratic tasks (6 on a 7-point scale) and too many work hours (5.6).
Plenty of health issues to address According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and National Kidney Foundation, more than 26 million Americans have chronic kidney disease. Increasing rates of diabetes and an ageing population are also contributing to more urologic issues. Ageing and obesity are risk factors for urinary incontinence, which is expected to increase as the population ages and obesity becomes more common. Female patients may be more likely to see a urologist as more women enter the profession. As with other medical specialties, employment of urologists is expected to increase 14–15% through 2024, a significantly faster growth rate than other occupations.
Advertising strategies Female urologists should consider a quarterly direct-mail newsletter with content focused on female urology issues and treatments. Inquire with senior citizen centers and senior- living communities about hosting a quarterly presentation, highlighting the causes of and treatments for urinary incontinence. Offer local urology practices the opportunity to co-sponsor a health event your station is sponsoring, hosting and/or promoting.
New media strategies Recommend a weekly ad on your station’s health news Website page with a brief “Did You Know” urology fact that includes a photo of the urologist. Create and post a series of videos focused on topics for older Americans and women who have recently had babies. Gather email addresses from all your patients as a standard part of each visit, and then create an e-newsletter for men’s health issues related to urology.