Our 1st Grade Classroom News November Email: laura_nezovich@etownschools.org Upcoming Events Our Feast Get cozy and wear PJs and Slippers- Dec. 2nd Wear you leadership T-shirt- Dec. 14th Dress like an Elf or wear red and green!- Dec. 23rd Early Dismissal- Dec. 23rd No School- Dec. 26- Jan. 2nd We had such a great time at our Thanksgiving feast! We loved getting into character as Pilgrims or Native Americans. We loved sharing our thankful plates and watching the Thanksgiving play. We also loved eating and sharing our feast food together! Our Learning This month has been a busy one! In reading, we worked on a lot of skills to help us become better readers! We worked on noting details, visualizing, monitor and clarifying, story structure, determining importance, topic and main ideas. In math, we became really good at our addition and subtraction skills up till 9. We practiced using number lines, ten frames, manipulatives, pictures and touch points. We also continued practicing solving word problems.1 Our Learning At-Home Practice Have your child help you address holiday cards. It will be great practice with names, capitals, spaces and addresses!