Internet and advertising E-Commerce Course 5 Internet and advertising
1- Is internet just a media like others?
The role of various media Attention Interest radio Print signs Direct Marketing Television Action Source: Steve Golberg Microsoft
The role of various media Attention Interest radio Print signs Direct Marketing Internet Television Action Source: Steve Golberg Microsoft
Basic measurement techniques Hits Hits/audit Audit with profile Clickstream (visits) Time spent on a site Purchases
Advanced measurement techniques No of visits versus Unique visitors Cookies Electronic Passport All of the above techniques give more and more info about the profile of visitors
2- How do you make money with advertising on the net?
It is harder than ever to finance a site only with ads
Many players but few profitable ones
In 1999 75% of all ad revenus were made on 10 sites Vs. 68% in 1998 Source (iAB)
But as more and more consumers are seeking and know about specialized sites Market segmentation Media fragmentation become a reality
What about rates?
Various methods barter 8% Active or passive banner (CPM) 58% Sponsor 29% Referral 6% (Could go up to 53% by 2004)