Riyadh-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Summary Outcomes Sub-Regional workshop for the formulation of a strategy/road map for the control of PPR in the Arabian Peninsula April 2013 Riyadh-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Participating Countries Bahrain Oman Qatar Kingdom of Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Yemen
Discussion Items Global and Regional Views PPR Control Strategies and Experiences from Other Regions (North Africa, Horn of Africa) Quality Vaccines and Reagents Group 1: Identification of knowledge gaps for the control of PPR and other small ruminant TADs Group 2: Improving PPR surveillance and diagnosis and research needs
Recommendations Countries are urging FAO and OIE to assist in developing a coordinated regional PPR strategy plan. This strategy should take into consideration the need for human resources (all countries) in addition to financial resources (Yemen) Countries to be engaged in developing national PPR strategic plan including a PPR contingency plan For better understanding of the disease epidemiology, countries are urged to conduct epidemiology and socio-economic studies and SR value chain analysis with the support of FAO and OIE Countries to nominate focal points for information sharing, action plan formulation, harmonization and networking
Recommendations FAO/OIE to facilitate information exchange on PPR between neighboring regions and the Arabian Peninsula Countries to harmonize their vaccination strategy and vaccine quality control as well as coordinating their vaccinations calendars especially in border zones Countries to explore the possibility of using vaccines produced in KSA provided that they comply with international standards Countries to develop communication material on PPR control and related knowledge and shareit with other neighboring countries.
Recommendations The GCC Secretariat is requested to play an increasing role in facilitating the development of a regional PPR control strategy and advocating its effective implementation Countries agreed on the need to establish a reference laboratory for PPR, with Kuwait as a potential location Countries should harmonize their animal quarantine systems and import risk analysis There is need for training in epidemiology and clinical recognition of PPR. KSA and Oman are potential countries to host such training
Recommendations The workshop recognized the need to establish a livestock identification system (that includes SR) in countries where it does not exist as an essential component of animal disease surveillance and to harmonize identification systems within the sub-region The workshop recommends that research be undertaken in the following areas: Investigate possible roles of dromedaries and wildlife in PPR transmission Provide insight on the duration of post-vaccinal immunity in SR Develop multivalent vaccines to prevent PPR and other important SR diseases Investigate possible carrier state and reservoirs for PPR virus in receptive species