Landforms of the World By Mrs. Schoettlin
beach The shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly.
archipelago A group of many islands
butte A hill that rises abruptly from the surrounding area and has sloping sides and a flat top
bay Part of an ocean or lake extending into the land and usually smaller than a gulf
canyon A deep valley with steep walls cut into the earth by running water
cape A point of land extending into a body of water
desert A barren often dry or desolate area
continent One of Earth’s principal land masses- Africa, N. America, S. America, Asia, Europe,, Austrailia, Antarctica
gulf Part of an ocean extending into land and usually larger than a bay
delta A triangular deposit of sand and soil that collects at the mouth of some rivers
island A landmass entirely surrounded by water
isthmus A narrow strip of land with water on both sides, connecting two larger areas of land
mountain An elevation of Earth’s surface with steep sides and a height greater than that of a hill
lake A large inland body of fresh water or salt water
ocean The entire body of salt water that covers more than 70 percent of Earth’s surface
mesa A broad, flat-topped hill with steep sides
peninsula Land surrounded by water on all sides but one
plateau An elevated, flat landmass
strait A narrow waterway connecting two large bodies of water
river A large natural stream of water emptying into an ocean, a lake, or another body of water.
volcano An opening in Earth’s crust through which molten lava, and ash gases are ejected.
sea A large body of salt water completely or partially enclosed by land
Swamp an area of low, wet lands with trees
tree line the edge of the habitat at which trees are not able to grow because of environmental conditions (cold temperatures or lack of water)
mountain range A row of connected mountains
valley low land between hills or mountains
tributary A stream or river that flows into a larger stream or river
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