doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Applications of ULP] Date Submitted: [July 18th, 2012] Source: [Hiroshi Harada] Company [NICT] Address [3-4, Hikari-no-oka,Yokosuka-shi,Kanagawa239-0847,Japan] Voice:[+81-46-847-5074] FAX: [+81-46-847-5440] E-Mail:[ ] Re: [In response to TG4q Call for applications] Abstract: [This contribution proposes ULP applications.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Hiroshi Harada (NICT) <author>, <company>
July 18, 2012 Hiroshi Harada, NICT Applications of ULP July 18, 2012 Hiroshi Harada, NICT Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
Abstract This presentation summarizes fundamental application of ULP July 2012 doc.: IEEE 802.15-12/0626r0 July 2012 Abstract This presentation summarizes fundamental application of ULP Hiroshi Harada (NICT) Hiroshi Harada, NICT
Applications Utility grid network Monitoring for Agriculture July 2012 Applications Utility grid network (in house) Monitoring power consumption (out door) Pollution/noise monitoring Monitoring for Agriculture Monitoring growth of plants Monitoring domestic animal (eg. Cattle ..) Digital signage Advertisement Home Network Control white goods (refrigerators, washing machines, etc.) Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
Utility Grid Network Outdoor Indoor Sensors and ULP device are unified July 2012 Utility Grid Network Outdoor Sensors and ULP device are unified ULP device set on the utility pole with solar battery (no electricity supply) Multihop communication is available between ULP devices Data will be collected via multihop communication to the server Indoor Energy consumption of white goods (refrigerators, washing machines, etc.) will be collected White goods equip ULP device Each ULP device will be connected with data collector Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
Utility Grid Network July 2012 Items Propagation environment Outdoor LOS/NLOS Indoor LOS/NLOS Data rate per user 10-100 kbps PHY Layer PER 0.1 Transmission range (per one hop) < 50m Mobility speed 0 km/h Tolerable delay Low Security level High Others Network base Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
Monitoring for Agriculture July 2012 Monitoring for Agriculture Outdoor Sensors and ULP device are unified ULP device set on the utility pole with solar battery (no electricity supply) Multihop communication is available between ULP devices Data will be collected via multihop communication to the server Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
Monitoring for Agriculture July 2012 Monitoring for Agriculture Items Propagation environment Outdoor LOS/NLOS Data rate per user Smaller than 10 kbps PHY Layer PER 0.1 Transmission range (per one hop) < 50m Mobility speed 0 km/h Tolerable delay Low Security level High Others Network base Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
Digital signage July 2012 Shinagawa station Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
Digital signage Indoor/Outdoor July 2012 Digital signage Indoor/Outdoor Send advertisement data to the signage system Each signage system stands its own feet with battery (solar) Text base or simple image base (not video) advertisement Data will be sent via multihop/direct communication from the server Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
Digital signage July 2012 Items Propagation environment Outdoor LOS/NLOS Indoor LOS/NLOS Data rate per user 10-100 kbps PHY Layer PER 0.1 Transmission range > 50m Mobility speed 0 km/h Tolerable delay Very Low Security level High Others Direct and multihop communications Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
July 2012 Home network Indoor ULP device is equipped in the white goods or audio and visual sets and its controller The controller(s) controls the goods and sets Direct commutation base Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
Home network July 2012 Items Propagation environment Indoor LOS/NLOS Data rate per user 10-100 kbps PHY Layer PER 0.1 Transmission range < 50m Mobility speed 0 – 4km/h Tolerable delay High (Instantaneous response) Security level High Others Direct communication Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
Operational frequency band
Channel Plan and output power in 920MHz Band 5 Regulatory Mode Middle Power Mode (≦250mW) Low Power Mode (≦ 20mW) Basic Regulation Extended Regulation Ultra low Power Mode (≦ 1mW)
Ultra Low Power Mode (Basic) Expected Applications: Active RFID Frequency: 915.9 - 928.1MHz Antenna Power: ≤ 1mW Antenna Gain: ≤ 3dBi Channel Width: 200kHz*n (n=1-5) Adjacent Channel Leakage Power: -26dBm Transmission Control: Carrier sense time Sending duration Pause duration The amount of sending time summed for 1 hour Not needed ≤ 100ms ≥ 100ms ≤ 3.6s
Ultra Low Power Mode (Extended) Expected Applications: Remote Control Frequency: 928.1 - 929.7MHz Antenna Power: ≤ 1mW Antenna Gain: ≤ 3dBi Channel Width: 100kHz*n (n=1-5) Adjacent Channel Leakage Power: -26dBm Transmission Control: Carrier sense time Sending duration Pause duration The amount of sending time summed for 1 hour Not needed ≤ 50ms ≥ 50ms Don’t care