Research Implications Methods of minimizing construction waste generation through careful evaluation of pre-contract stage activities: A Victorian case study Student Name: Supervisor: Research Background The construction industry produces 40% of all the wastes produced in Victoria, Australia This constitutes about 19 million tons of demolition and construction waste a year Only 55% of these wastes are recovered and recycled, while 45% of the waste are disposed to landfill Most people tend to minimize waste at the project execution stage. At this stage, waste reduction becomes complicated and often requires huge management overhead Wastage of materials during construction contributes to the depletion of the natural resources and environmental degradation. In Victoria, Australia, 40% of the waste is from the construction industry followed by 33% from the industrial and commercial waste, and 27% from municipal waste (Commonwealth of Australia, 2010). The 2011 Environment and Energy Department’s waste status report estimated a generation of 19 million tons of demolition and construction wastes in 2008-09. During the same period, 55 percent of the wastes were recovered and recycled while 45 percent of the generated wastes was disposed to landfill (Committee 2011). In the state of Victoria, however, approximately 3.15 million tons of construction and demolition wastes were generated in 2008-09 financial period 53% percent of the generated wastes were recycled while 47 percent were disposed to landfill With time, these resources have will become scare. Therefore, proper strategies needs to be deployed to reduce these wastes that occur during construction waste However, waste reduction can also be targeted at pre-contract stage. Therefore, waste management at pre-contract stage is cost effective and timely. Essentially, waste management at pre-contract stage is by design and is very effective. The best way to minimize the waste can be determined in four different fields that are related to communication, design, procurement and logistics Research Findings Strategies to minimize waste and pre-contract stage: Communication Logistics Prefabrication Design Modification Procurement The adoption of the above strategies would result in 80% reduction of waste Other waste minimization strategies at pre-contract stage Use of economic incentives Modular design Waste reduction investment Use of large-panel metal formwork Language of the contract Specification of design materials Construction techniques Education Aims To investigate the methods of minimizing waste generation through evaluation of pre-contract stage in Victoria, Australia What is the proportion of construction waste in relation to other waste? The waste management hierarchy should take the direction shown below : Research question What are the methods of minimizing construction waste generation through evaluation of pre-contract stage activities? Objectives Explore the methods of minimizing waste generation through a careful evaluation of pre-contract stage activities: A Victorian case study Research Implications Authority in Victoria to encourage project managers to apply waste reduction strategies at pre-contract stage The construction waste will be reduced by larger margins in Victoria The environment around Victoria will become safer There will be a shift of waste management from post contract state to pre-contract waste management Research Methodology Qualitative Research Literature review approach Literature review search Case study of Victoria, Australia Acknowledgement I would like to thank my Thesis Supervisor for the guidance and the encouragement while undertaking this research Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B