Smarter Justice must learn from the past Safer communities will reap the reward Reintegration Puzzle Conference, Hobart 20th June 2018 Peter Norden AO FANZSOC Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology
Lessons to be learned Post Release Service Provision The issues that lead most people to prison are complex/multi-faceted. Consequently, effective responses should be holistic. Extensive pre-release engagement essential for success. Housing must be stable, supportive, secure, medium term. Aim to develop a further ongoing supportive social network. Ongoing education or training or personal development. Valuable contribution of former offenders as support staff. Aim: to facilitate fuller engagement with mainstream society.
Lessons to be learned Systemic Issues: Criminal Justice System Context: scandalous explosion of the over use of imprisonment. Never be part of a criminal justice system that overreaches….. Maintain our involvement in prison reform & human rights promotion. Need to be smarter in approach to criminal justice reform. Lessons to be learnt from justice reinvestment movement in U.S. Strength in solidarity between individuals and organizations. Significant change comes from small groups of committed people. Conclusion: We have a lot to learn from one other……..
Peter Norden AO Honorary Fellow School of Humanities & Social Sciences Twitter: @melbournepeter Email: